Replicate Mesh

Use the Replicate tool to replicate a mesh from one location to another, with options to keep the original mesh, as well as to replicate into multiple copies. The replicated elements replace the original elements, maintaining relevant information like properties, thicknesses, and other solver attributes.

This is useful when there are multiple instances of the same feature in a model. You may clean and prepare the mesh for just one of the instances, and then replicate those changes to the other locations. This is also useful for making design changes, such as moving a feature from one location to another or creating multiple instances of a feature.

  1. From the Elements ribbon, click the Replicate tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Select elements.
  3. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define additional options.
  4. In the microdialog, toggle the Keep original button.
    • When on, the original elements are kept. Use the text box to select the number of instances of the feature to replicate. This is supported both for mesh associated to geometry as well as mesh not associated to geometry.
    • When off, the original elements are removed, and the area is filled in with a patch. This is supported only for mesh not associated to geometry.
  5. Position the replicate instance(s) using the Move tool.
  6. Click Replicate on the guide bar or the microdialog.

Figure 2.

Replicate Tool

An overview of the Replicate tool.

Figure 3.

Use the Replicate tool to replicate a mesh from one location to another, with options to keep the original mesh, as well as to replicate into multiple copies. The replicated elements replace the original elements, maintaining relevant information like properties, thicknesses, and other solver attributes.

Go to Elements > Replicate.


Morph elements
Morph the replicated elements onto the base mesh in order to connect them.
Remesh method
The method used for remeshing around replicated elements.
Number of layers
The number of adjacent layers to remesh.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Controls

To do this Press
Select elements by face or edge chain Alt + Left Mouse Click