Create Midedge

Use the Midmesh: Create Midedge tool to create a midedge.

  1. From the Mesh ribbon, click the Midmesh > Create Midedge tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Using the Node List selector, select 2 nodes to create a midedge.
  3. Optional: Using the Guide A and Guide B selectors, select guide lines to guide the path for the new midedge.

    No edge, single edge, or two edge chains are allowed.

  4. Click Create.

Figure 2.

Midmesh: Create Midedge Tool

An overview of theMidmesh: Create Midedge tool.

Figure 3.
Use the Midmesh: Create Midedge tool to create a midedge.
Go to Mesh > Midmesh > Create Midedge.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Controls

To do this Press
Select lines by path. Alt + Left Mouse Click