Perform Manual Refinement

Use the Refine: Manual tool to refine elements manually.

  1. From the Elements ribbon, click the Refine > Manual tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define refinement options.
  3. Choose FE Edges, Elements, or Nodes using the Refine selector on the guide bar.
  4. Select entities.
    A preview of the split pattern displays when hovering the mouse over the entity and after selecting the entities. The split pattern depends on the edge count and the split pattern that applies to the given selection.

    If Adjacent element layers are specified, adjacent entities are automatically selected and previewed.

    As additional entities are selected, the preview of selected entities updates accordingly.

  5. Click on the guide bar or microdialog to finalize the split.

Figure 2.

Refine: Manual Tool

An overview of the Refine: Manual tool.

Figure 3.

Use the Refine: Manual tool to refine elements manually.

Go to Elements > > Refine > Manual.


Adjacent element layers
Set the number of adjacent element layers to auto-select.
Edge split count
Set the number of times each edge of the selected entities is split. A higher value means a more aggressive refinement. This can only be modified when nothing is selected.
Split patterns
Set the patterns used for different element configurations and edge split scenarios.
For quads, select No edges split or Single edge split.
For trias, select No edges split or All edges split.
Smooth number of layers
Set the number of adjacent element layers to smooth.