Reference Direction

The vector formed by beam nodes N1 and N2 is compared to the reference vector. If the angle between the two vectors is below the angle tolerance, directions are considered matching. Matching elements will have N1 and N2 ordered along the positive direction of the reference vector.

  1. From the microdialog, select whether direction is defined as a system axis or an arbitrary vector.

    Figure 1.
  2. If you selected "by axis," select the (multiple) system axis for sorting beams in tolerance.

    Figure 2.
  3. If you selected "by vector," use the vector tool to define the reference vector.

    Figure 3.
  4. Change the angle tolerance. Values greater than 60 degrees are reset to 60 degrees.
    Picking an element when the vector tool is on will consider this element as a reference element and align the selection from the X axis of the reference element.

    Figure 4.
  5. To reverse the orientation of selection, use the +/- button in the microdialog.