Match Parts

Automatically group selected parts into part sets based on comparison method and criteria selected.

  1. From the Assembly ribbon, click the Match tool.

    Figure 1.
    A guide bar will display with the active selector set to Parts.
  2. Select the necessary parts in the graphics area or through the Advanced selection dialog.
  3. Optional: Select the Choose reference checkbox and select the parts that will act as a reference for comparison. You can select more than one reference part.
  4. Optional: Set options as necessary by clicking on the guide bar.
  5. Click Match on the guide bar.
    A progress bar initializes in the status bar. A part set is created for each group of parts that match each other. The top level part set is created using a combination of comparison method and criteria, and is prefixed with "Grouped_." Nested part sets are created for each part having similar or matching parts, with a prefix of "Matched_."
    Figure 2.

Match Tool

An overview of the Match tool.

Figure 3.
Use the Match tool to automatically group selected parts into part sets based on comparison method and criteria selected.
Go to Assembly > Match.


Compare parts.
Both CAD and FE are considered for comparison.
If the selected part has CAD and FE, CAD is preferred. If the part has only FE, only FE is considered.
CAD only
The CAD from part will be considered for comparison even if CAD and FE are both available. If CAD is not available, nothing will be considered.
If the selected part has CAD and FE, FE is preferred. If the part has CAD only, CAD is considered.
FE only
The FE from part will be considered for comparison even if CAD and FE are both available. If FE is not available, nothing is considered.
Method comparisons.
Performs a topological comparison. Supports CAD only. Accurate but slower.
Shape AI encoding (Default)
Encodings from each part are identified and an encoding signature is generated. These signatures are compared to find matching parts based on the matching criteria provided. Can be used for both CAD and FE. Less accurate but fast.
Similarity (%)
This value determines (by percentage) the matching area threshold above which the matching pair results should be returned.
By default, the tolerance is set to Auto and can be modified manually if needed using the Manual option. This is the tolerance value to check the match. For the Auto option, HyperMesh identifies the best tolerances for each selection. If no value is passed in Manual mode, the tolerance is 0.5.
Create part set for unmatched parts
Select this option for creating a part set automatically for parts that do not match.