Property Assignment

Properties define various physical and mathematical characteristics of parts such as sheet metal, extruded, and simplified representations of parts. The assignment and unassignment of properties have a specific set of rules based on the solver interface being used.

Solver interfaces allowing for the indirect (components) and direct (elements) assignment:
  • OptiStruct
  • Nastran
  • Abaqus
  • Samcef
Note: If a property is directly assigned to an element, that property takes priority over any indirect property assigned to the component that the element may be contained within.
Solver interfaces allowing for only indirect (component) assignment:
  • Radioss
  • Permas
  • Marc
  • Feko
  1. From the Model ribbon, click the Assign Properties tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to enable selection filtering.
  3. Assign or unassign properties.
    Option Description
    1. Select a property to assign using the first selector.
    2. Using the second selector, select the components or elements to be assigned the property.
    3. Click one of the following:
      • – Assign the property and remain in the tool
      • – Assign the property and exit the tool
      • – Exit the tool without assigning

      Both selectors need to be populated to for the assign action buttons to be active.

    1. Using the second selector, select components or elements that have a property assigned to them.
    2. Click one of the following:
      • – Unassign the property and remain in the tool
      • – Unassign the property and exit the tool
      • – Exit the tool without unassigning

      Only the second selector can be populated to perform an unassignment.