Run the Model with E-Compute
From the FlexTools menu, select Flex Prep.
The FlexBodyPrep dialog is displayed.
- Select the Create OptiStruct-prp (preparation) file option.
Click on the Select Bulk Data file (fem/nas/bdf/dat)
file browser
, and select the original .fem file.
In the Save the fem file as text box, specify the name for the
.h3d file.
Note: Do not include the pathname when entering in the name for the .h3d file, as this will cause E-compute to fail when it is run.
- Select the same units and modal data.
- If you want to perform a stress or strain recovery, activate the appropriate check box.
- Click OK.
After the program runs, an .h3d file is created and can be
used in MotionView.
When running the model using E-Compute, the six rigid body modes are included. When using Flexbody Prep Wizard directly, the six modes are automatically excluded.