This section describes how to build events in the full vehicle model with Altair Driver. The new event user interface is supported only for models with Altair Driver. The interface exports .adf and .xml files and submits them to MotionSolve. Files can be edited or updated in the Event Editor. Eighteen event types are supported.
This section describes all of the full vehicle events currently supported with Altair Driver. It also describes all of
the events and their parameters.
Driver can be loaded using the Model Wizard of MDLLIB when the Full Vehicle with Driver option is chosen. Driver has
some special requirements to interface with the vehicle model. These requirements are resolved automatically if the
vehicle model is built using the Full vehicle with advanced driver option in the Model Wizard in MDLLIB.
The TeimOrbit reader can parse various entities to get data from the ADF file. These entities include: attributes, blocks,
subblocks, tables, units and comments.
Driver can be loaded using the Model Wizard of MDLLIB when the Full Vehicle with Driver option is chosen. Driver has
some special requirements to interface with the vehicle model. These requirements are resolved automatically if the
vehicle model is built using the Full vehicle with advanced driver option in the Model Wizard in MDLLIB.
Driver can be loaded using the Model Wizard of MDLLIB when the Full Vehicle with
Driver option is chosen. Driver has some special requirements to interface with the vehicle
model. These requirements are resolved automatically if the vehicle model is built using the
Full vehicle with advanced driver option in the Model Wizard in MDLLIB.
Setting the preference file: Driver GUI requires the HW environment to be under
MBD-Vehicle Dynamics Tools.
Figure 1. Figure 2.
Building a vehicle model using the Model Wizard. All the options of the Model
Wizard are explained in separate sub-heading.
From the Model menu, select Assembly
Figure 3.
The Assembly Wizard dialog is
Build the vehicle model using the Full vehicle with advanced
driver option.
Figure 4.
The Driver Analysis System with icon is displayed in the Project Browser. Select the Altair Driver Analysis in
the browser tree to open up the driver graphical user interface in
the property panel. This can be used to edit the connections with
the vehicle model and to provide vehicle parameters.
When Altair Driver is present in the model, all the full vehicle
events are accessible to the model. They can be added by
right-clicking on model and choosing the Add
Events option. Figure 5.
The following sections provide additional insights on the
MotionView interface for Altair Driver.
TeimOrbit Format
The TeimOrbit reader can parse various entities to get data from the ADF file. These entities include: attributes, blocks, subblocks, tables, units and comments.