Wheel Center Rotational Stiffnesses

Branch ID: 60

Request Number: 80000060

Table 1.
.plt File .mr, .abf File Component Unit Comment
F1 RESULT(1) Not Used Not Used Not Used
F2 RESULT(2) Left Wheel Center XX Stiffness N-m/deg The left wheel center single wheel rotational stiffness about the global longitudinal axis or:


F3 RESULT(3) Left Wheel Center YY Stiffness N-m/deg The left wheel center single wheel rotational stiffness about the global lateral axis or:


F4 RESULT(4) Left Wheel Center ZZ Stiffness N-m/deg The left wheel center single wheel rotational stiffness about the global vertical axis or:


F5 RESULT(5) Not Used Not Used Not Used
F6 RESULT(6) Right Wheel Center XX Stiffness N-m/deg The right wheel center single wheel rotational stiffness about the global longitudinal axis or:


F7 RESULT(7) Right Wheel Center YY Stiffness N-m/deg The right wheel center single wheel rotational stiffness about the global lateral axis or:


F8 RESULT(8) Right Wheel Center ZZ Stiffness N-m/deg The right wheel center single wheel rotational stiffness about the global vertical axis or:
