Single Lane Change
A Single lane change event drives the vehicle through a single lane change, attempting to follow the centerline of the defined lane.
You can define the speed of the lane change, along with the lane dimensions. A steering controller is used to follow the path and a torque controller is used to maintain speed through the event. The event supports right and left lane changes. A plot template is available to plot the results.

Figure 1. Single Lane Change - Path

Figure 2.
Parameter | Description |
Units | Length of unit selection (Model, m, ft) Velocity unit selection (Model, m/s, km/h, mph) |
Lateral offset | Lateral offset of the lanes. |
Length- Section 1 | Length of the initial section of road in meters. |
Length- Section 2 | Longitudinal length of the transition section of road where the lane change occurs. |
Length- Section 3 | Length of the recovery straight section of road. |
Turn direction | Direction the vehicle turns during the event (as seen by the driver). |
Velocity | The initial speed of the vehicle. |
Look ahead time | Look ahead time, used by the Driver Feedforward steering model. |
Prediction step size | Maximum step size, used by the Driver Feedforward steering model. |
End time | Absolute end time of the event, in seconds. |
Print interval | Time interval of data output to the plot file (.plt) and graphics file (.h3d). |

Figure 3.
ISO 3888-2-2011 Passenger cars — Test track for a severe lane-change maneuver.
NATO Allied Vehicle Testing Publication AVTP: 03-160 Sep. 1991.