Single Lane Change

A Single lane change event drives the vehicle through a single lane change, attempting to follow the centerline of the defined lane.

You can define the speed of the lane change, along with the lane dimensions. A steering controller is used to follow the path and a torque controller is used to maintain speed through the event. The event supports right and left lane changes. A plot template is available to plot the results.

A Single lane change does not have specific metrics associated with it. A lane change is typically used as a subjective evaluation test, but it is difficult to create objective metrics of the test.

Figure 1. Single Lane Change - Path

Figure 2.
The parameters available in the Single Lane Change event are detailed in the following table:
Parameter Description
Units Length of unit selection (Model, m, ft)

Velocity unit selection (Model, m/s, km/h, mph)

Lateral offset Lateral offset of the lanes.
Length- Section 1 Length of the initial section of road in meters.
Length- Section 2 Longitudinal length of the transition section of road where the lane change occurs.
Length- Section 3 Length of the recovery straight section of road.
Turn direction Direction the vehicle turns during the event (as seen by the driver).
Velocity The initial speed of the vehicle.
Look ahead time Look ahead time, used by the Driver Feedforward steering model.
Prediction step size Maximum step size, used by the Driver Feedforward steering model.
End time Absolute end time of the event, in seconds.
Print interval Time interval of data output to the plot file (.plt) and graphics file (.h3d).

Figure 3.


ISO 3888-2-2011 Passenger cars — Test track for a severe lane-change maneuver.

NATO Allied Vehicle Testing Publication AVTP: 03-160 Sep. 1991.