Swept Steer
A Swept steer event simulates a ramped steer input into a vehicle driving at a steady speed.
The event is typically used to predict the steady state dynamic response of the vehicle. Input is steering wheel angle. Standard vehicle output requests are included in the event. The Altair Driver maintains constant speed and steers the vehicle. A plot template is available to plot the results.

Figure 1.
Parameter | Description |
Units | Velocity unit selection (Model, m/s, km/h, mph). |
Velocity | Velocity of the vehicle during the event. |
Initial Steer | An initial steer angle of the vehicle. |
Initial lean* | Initial demand lean angle of the vehicle. |
Steer ramp rate | The rate the steering is increased (degrees/sec). |
Lean ramp rate* | The rate at which the demand is increased (degrees/sec). |
Maximum steer | The maximum steering angle in degrees. |
End time | Absolute end time of the event, in seconds. |
Print interval | Time interval of data output to the plot file (.plt) and graphics file (.h3d). |
*Applicable only for Two-wheeler events.