Throttle-off Turn-in

A Throttle-off turn-in event simulates the dynamics of a vehicle driving a constant radius turn at steady state, the reaction of the vehicle due to a sudden removal of drive torque during the cornering event in which the steer is ramped up.

The event includes a short straight section to allow the vehicle to come to steady state, the constant radius circle, and throttle removal. The event is designed to simulate a highway exit ramp maneuver. Appropriate vehicle and tire output requests are included. A plot template is available to plot the results.

The event is similar to Throttle-off Cornering.

Figure 1. Throttle-off Turn-in Event

Figure 2.
The parameters available in the Throttle off turn in event are detailed in the following table:
Parameter Description
Units Length unit selection (Model, m, ft)

Velocity unit selection (Model, m/s, km/h, mph)

Acceleration unit selection (Model, m/s2, g’s)
Radius The radius of the circle that the vehicle CG will follow during the constant radius portion of the event.
Initial straight The distance the vehicle is driven straight and corners in a given radius to attain the steady state.
Velocity The velocity of the vehicle during the event.
Initial lateral acceleration Estimated initial lateral acceleration, calculated using the velocity and the turn radius.
Turn direction Direction the vehicle turns during the event (as seen by the driver).
Throttle step duration Time duration the throttle controller takes to completely remove the drive torque.
Steer ramp rate Rate at which steering is ramped up after the drive torque goes to zero.
Transient time Time duration for which the vehicle makes the drive torque zero and ramps up the steering.
Look ahead time Look ahead time, used by the Driver Feedforward steering model.
Prediction step size Maximum step size, used by the Driver Feedforward steering model.
Print interval Time interval of data output to the plot file (.plt) and graphics file (.h3d).


ISO 9816-2006 Passenger cars — Power-off reaction of a vehicle in a turn.