General Constraint

Class GeneralConstraint()

GeneralConstraint(parent='MODEL', name='GeneralConstraint_n', 
label='GeneralConstraint_n', active=True, expr='``', use_reaction_marker=False, 

Creates a general constraint.

Keyword Arguments

name | String | The variable name. | GeneralConstraint_n, for next available integer n.

label | String | The descriptive label. | GeneralConstraint_n, for next available integer n.

parent | Object | The parent. | MODEL.

active | Boolean | Used to activate or deactivate this entity. | True.

expr | Function | The expression value. | '``'.

use_reaction_marker | Bool | Use reaction marker when True for SolverMode ADAMS. | False.

reaction_marker | Marker | Marker reference when use_reaction_marker is True for SolverMode ADAMS. | Global_Frame.


1. The parent parameter can only be initialized by the constructor and should not be modified directly.

2. Only parent can be used as a positional argument in the constructor.