Platform Support

Platforms, operating systems, and processors supported by Altair HyperWorks 2020.1. This includes 2020.1 solver packages.

Platforms HyperWorks 2020.1
OS Version Architecture GUI Products Solvers
Windows 7/10 x86_64 YES YES
Linux RHEL / CentOS 7.4


x86_64 YES YES
  • Windows Ultra High Definition (UHD/HiDPI) support requires Windows 10 Update 1709 or higher
  • RHEL= Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • SLES = SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Compiler Support
  • Windows: Visual Studio VS 2019 v16.1.3
  • Linux: GCC 8.3.1
HyperWorks may install and run on other non-supported Linux distributions not mentioned or referred to in this documentation, but Altair does not test, certify, verify or warrant the reliability of the products on these platforms.
  • Altair™ products are tested on Gnome Desktop Manager (GDM)
  • Xen kernels are currently not supported kernels for Altair HyperWorks
  • VirtualGL and other third-party remote visualization tools are not officially supported by Altair HyperWorks
Ultra High Definition (UHD)
  • UHD resolution support (2160p) is only available for Windows 10 (1709 or higher).
    • Using Windows 200% scaling for 2160p is recommended.
  • Windows 7 is not officially supported under UHD settings. We recommend resolutions of 1080p for FHD and 2160p for UHD displays. Some JAVA based tools within HyperWorks may still show issues on UHD displays.

Products Included in the HyperWorks Suite

  1. Altair HyperWorks Desktop™ Applications
  2. Altair HyperWorks Solvers™
    • Altair OptiStruct
    • Altair Radioss
    • Altair MotionSolve
    • Altair HyperXtrude
    • Altair Manufacturing Solver
    • Altair Multiscale Designer™
    • Altair Seam™
  3. Altair CFD Solvers™
    • Altair AcuSolve
    • Altair ultraFluidX™ (Linux only)
    • Altair nanoFluidX™ (Linux only)
  4. Altair ConnectMe™ (Windows only)
  5. Altair Inspire™ (Windows only)
  6. Altair SimLab
  7. Altair Feko + WinProp™
  8. Altair Flux
  9. Altair Activate
  10. Altair Compose
  11. Altair Inspire Cast™ (Windows only)
  12. Altair Inspire Extrude™ (Windows only)
  13. Altair Inspire Form™ (Windows only)
  14. Altair Inspire Mold™ (Windows only)
  15. Altair Inspire Studio™ (Windows only)
  16. Altair Inspire Render™ (Windows only)
  17. Altair Virtual Wind Tunnel for ultraFluidX

Platforms Added in HyperWorks 2020.1

  1. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 64-bit
  2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.4 64-bit

Platforms Dropped in HyperWorks 2020.1

  1. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 64-bit
  2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.2 64-bit
  3. Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 6.6 64-bit

Compiler Support for HyperWorks 2020.1

  1. On Windows: Visual Studio VS 2019 v16.1.3
  2. On Linux: GCC 8.3.1
Check system requirements for Linux package details
  • HyperWorks 2020.1 may install and run on other non-supported Linux distributions but Altair does not test, certify, verify or warrant the reliability of the products on these platforms.
    • Altair products are tested on Gnome Desktop Manager (GDM).
    • Xen kernels are currently not supported kernels for Altair HyperWorks™.
    • VirtualGL and other third-party remote visualization tools are not officially supported by Altair HyperWorks™.
Ultra High Definition (UHD) Support
  • Ultra HD resolution support (2160p) is only available on Windows 10 (version 1709 or higher).
    • Using Windows 200% scaling for 2160p is recommended.
  • Windows 7 is not officially supported under Ultra HD settings.
  • Our recommended HD setting is 1080p for FHD and our Ultra HD setting is 2160p.
  • Java based tools within our products may still show some scaling issues under Ultra HD resolution.

Minimum Operating System Requirements

Table 1.
System/Hardware Information Linux Windows
Operating Systems

RHEL/CentOS 7.4 (64-bit)

SLES 12 SP3 (64-bit)

7/10 (64-bit)
Memory 4 GB (higher recommended) 4 GB (higher recommended)
Complete Install Disk Space

~8 GB temporary disk space required for full HyperWorks 2020.1 installation


63 GB


12 GB


100 GB


12 GB

Graphics Hardware 2 OpenGL 3D graphics accelerator compatible with OpenGL 3.2 or higher

OpenCL 2.1 required

True color (24-bit) support

Install/update to most recent OpenGL patches/drivers

1680x1050 screen resolution or higher for optimal user experience

2 GB or higher dedicated RAM

Only AMD and NVIDIA GPUs supported (Intel chipsets are not supported)

OpenGL 3D graphics accelerator compatible with OpenGL 3.2 or higher

OpenCL 2.1 required

True color (24-bit) support

Install/update to most recent OpenGL patches/drivers

1680x1050 screen resolution or higher for optimal user experience

2 GB or higher dedicated RAM

Only AMD and NVIDIA GPUs supported (Intel chipsets are not supported)

Linux System Requirements

Run the HyperWorks compatibility tool to validate your Linux compatibility with Altair products located under the <INSTALL_PATH>/altair/hwdesktop/utility/HWCompatibilityTool/ folder.

1 Local help installations may require modifying the browser to allow running active content from the hard disk. For search capability, the users should have a browser supporting either ActiveX (IE on Windows) or Java Environment plugin installed on their machine.
2 HyperWorks Graphical User Interface (GUI) products, when used with Ultra High Definition (UHD) displays consisting of 1920x1200 or higher (for example, 3200x1800, 3840x2160 or 4096x2160), may result in graphical problems. Some GUI items may not be displayed correctly, some functionality such as image captures may not capture images correctly, and window selection may become an issue. HyperWorks 2020.1 does not officially support these high screen resolutions. We suggest setting your resolution to 1920x1200 or lower to resolve or minimize these types of issues from occurring. Our development teams are aware of these problems and are working closely with the hardware vendors to find a quick resolution.