Contact Interface Parameters (Contact Control)
Orientation of Contact Pushout Force (MORIENT)
The orientation of the contact pushout force from the master surface can be defined on the MORIENT field on the CONTACT entry. It applies only to masters that consist of shell elements or patches of grids. Masters defined on solid elements always push outwards irrespective of this flag. MORIENT is the direction of contact force that master surface exerts on slave nodes.
It is important to note that, in most practical applications, leaving this field blank will provide correct resolution of contact, irrespective of the orientation of surface normals. Only in cases of master surfaces defined as shells or patches of grids, and combined with initial pre-penetration, is MORIENT needed.
- In default behavior (OPENGAP), the pushout direction is
defined using the assumption that the gap between slave and master is
initially open, and the contact condition should prevent their contact (gap
padding GPAD from the PCONT card is
ignored in defining the pushout direction - this direction is based strictly
on the positions of master and slave nodes).
Figure 1. OPENGAP Example - OVERLAP assumes the reverse, namely that the slave and
master bodies are already overlapping and the contact condition should push
them apart (this is useful in pre-penetrating models when the entire slave
set is pre-penetrating into the master object).
Figure 2. OVERLAP Example - With the NORM option, the pushout force is oriented along
the normal vector to the master surface. (The surface normal may be reversed
relative to the default normal to a shell element, if a
FLIP flag is present on the master SURF definition.
This behavior corresponds to that of the reverse
normals checkbox on the contactsurfs
panel in HyperMesh). In cases when the slave
node does not have a direct normal projection onto the master surface, and
the "shortest distance" projection is used (GAPGPRJ set
to SHORT on the GAPPRM card), the
pushout force is oriented along the shortest distance line, yet with the
orientation aligned with the normal vector.
Figure 3. NORM Example - REVNORM creates pushout force reversed relative to the NORM option.
By default, MORIENT does not apply to masters that are defined on solid elements - such masters always push outwards. This can be changed by choosing CONTPRM,CORIENT,ONALL which extends the meaning of MORIENT to all contact surfaces. In which case, it should be noted that the default normal is pointing inwards unless a FLIP flag appears on the master SURF definition for surfaces on solid elements, making the surface normal point outwards. (When creating contact surfaces in HyperMesh, this behavior corresponds to that of the reverse normals checkbox on the contactsurfs panel).
Search Distance (SRCHDIS)
The SRCHDIS field on the CONTACT and TIE entries is the search distance criterion for creating the contact interface. When specified, only slave nodes that are within the SRCHDIS distance from the master surface will have the contact condition checked.
The default value is equal to twice the average edge length of the master surface. For FREEZE contact, it is equal to half the average edge length.
For shell elements, the contact and tie search considers the shell thicknesses. Which implies that the defined search distance is expected to be the true distance between the shell surfaces facing each other. For example, in the case of shells without offset, if the geometric distance between the two shell surfaces facing each other is 5.0, and the shell thicknesses are 2.0 each, then the actual distance between the shell surfaces facing each other is 3.0. If the Search distance field is now set to 3.0, then the contact is generated as expected (in this scenario, if SRCHDIS is set lower than 3.0, then there is no contact generated).
Contact Adjustment (ADJUST)
- NO
- No adjustment (default).
- A real value equal to 5% of the average edge length on the master surface is internally assigned as the depth criterion.
- Real > 0.0
- Value of the depth criterion which defines the zone in which a search is conducted for slave nodes (for which contact elements have been created). These slave nodes (with created contact elements) are then adjusted onto the master surface. The assigned depth criterion is used to define the searching zone in the pushout direction.
- Integer > 0
- Identification number of a SET entry with TYPE=GRID. Only the nodes on the slave entity which also belong to this SET will be selected for adjustment.
The adjustment of slave nodes does not create any strain in the model. If DISCRET=N2S is selected, it is treated as a change in the initial model geometry. If DISCRET=S2S is selected, it is treated as a change in the initial contact opening/penetration.
If a node on the slave entity lies outside the projection zone of the master surface, it will always be skipped during adjustment since no contact element has been constructed for it.
Contact interface padding, GPAD (on the PCONT entry) is used to determine the direction and distance of slave node adjustment. GPAD is also used to augment the searching zone for adjustment. If the MORIENT field is OPENGAP or OVERLAP while the GPAD field in the referred PCONT entry is NONE or zero, the nodal adjustment will be skipped, since for OPENGAP or OVERLAP there is no way to decide the master pushout direction if slave nodes are adjusted to be exactly on the master face.
- The ADJUST field must be set to NO for self-contact.
- If a real value (the searching depth criterion for adjustment) is input for
the ADJUST field, a searching zone for adjustment is
defined. If GPAD is also defined, then the value of
GPAD augments the searching zone for
ADJUST (see Figure with GPAD
below). The slave nodes in this searching zone, for which contact elements
have been created, will be adjusted. If ADJUST is larger
than or equal to SRCHDIS, all the slave nodes for which
contact elements have been created, will be adjusted.
Figure 4. No Contact Interface Padding (GPAD)
Figure 5. With Contact Interface Padding (GPAD)Note: Depth Criterion:The depth criterion (A non-negative real value for ADJUST) is used to define the searching zone for adjustment, as shown above. If GPAD is defined, then the value of GPAD is also used to augment the searching zone for ADJUST, as shown in the image above. This searching zone is created in the pushout direction up to a distance equal to the value of the ADJUST field. The slave nodes within the searching zone (with defined contact elements) are then considered for adjustment based on the rules specified within this section. - If the ADJUST field is set to an integer value (the identification number of a grid SET entry), the nodes shared by the slave entity and the grid SET will be checked for contact creation, that is, SRCHDIS will be ignored for these nodes, and then adjusted if a projection is found. The nodes belonging to the grid SET but not to the slave entity will be simply ignored.
Contact Clearance (CLEARANCE)
Clearance can be defined on the CONTACT or PCONT entries on the CLEARANCE field. It can also be defined via U0 on the PGAP entry. Clearance does not physically move the nodes. The contact is considered to be closed, if the clearance between the two surfaces is equal to (or less than) the specified clearance, regardless of the physical location of the nodes. Make sure that the surface nodes are not highly irregular or the actual physical distance between some (or all) parts of the surfaces is much greater than the specified clearance. The resulting contact parameters applied to the actual physical nodes after each iteration or over the entire solution may be inaccurate in such cases. A blank clearance field is the same as U0=AUTO.
Using CLEARANCE overrides the default contact behavior of calculating initial gap opening from the actual distance between Slave and Master. CLEARANCE is now equal to the distance that Slave and Master have to move towards each other in order to close the contact. Negative value of CLEARANCE indicates that the bodies have initial pre-penetration.
- CLEARANCE on the CONTACT entry cannot be used in conjunction with PID of the PCONT entry. In this case, clearance must be specified on the PCONT entry.
- The consideration of SRCHDIS in presence of CLEARANCE can be controlled using the SRCHDCLR entry in system settings (SYSSETTING) or in the Solver Configuration File (.cfg) file.
Contact Smoothing (SMOOTH)
- If SMSIDE is MASTER and SMREG is ALL (or same as MSID), there must be only one SMOOTH continuation line to define smoothing of the Master side.
- If SMSIDE is SLAVE and SMREG is ALL (or same as SSID), there must be only one SMOOTH continuation line to define smoothing of the Slave side.
- If SMSIDE is BOTH, SMREG must be ALL and there must be only one SMOOTH continuation line.
- Smoothing is now supported for both N2S and S2S contact.
Finite Sliding (TRACK)
Finite Sliding (TRACK=FINITE or CONSLI) option is currently supported only if TYPE=SLIDE or if friction (via MU1/CONTPRM/PCONT) is defined.
For TRACK=FINITE, the contact search is conducted for every load increment, while with TRACK=CONSLI, termed continuous sliding, the search is done for every iteration. The CONSLI option is expected to produce more accurate results and, in some cases, better convergence robustness, especially when very large sliding and/or distortion is present.
For non-solid elements, the MORIENT field should not be set to OPENGAP or OVERLAP for Finite Sliding. If CONTPRM,CORIENT,ONALL is active, MORIENT is applied to solid elements. In such cases, MORIENT should not be set to OPENGAP or OVERLAP for solid elements also.
- Finite Sliding (FINITE/CONSLI) is effective only for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.
- Finite Sliding (FINITE/CONSLI) works only with Hash Assembly and the MUMPS solver. Hash Assembly (PARAM,HASHASSM,YES) is automatically turned on for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.
- Finite Sliding (only CONSLI) is supported for Self-Contact.
Contact Interface Padding (GPAD)
"Padding" of the interface to account for additional layers, such as shell thickness. This value is subtracted from the contact gap opening as calculated from the location of nodes. It is set on the GPAD field of the CONTACT and PCONT entries. CLEARANCE cannot be set in conjunction with (non-zero) GPAD. Blank GPAD field in presence of CLEARANCE is interpreted as NONE.
The initial contact gap opening is calculated automatically based on the relative location of slave and master nodes (in the original, undeformed mesh). To account for additional material layers covering master and slave objects, the GPAD entry can be used. GPAD option THICK automatically accounts for shell thickness on both sides of the contact interface (this also includes the effects of shell element offset ZOFFS or composite offset Z0), when the master and/or slave are shell surfaces (SET of shell element types or SURF of shell element faces). The THICK option will only apply automatic padding if shells are selected for master/slave in the contact interface (for example, padding is not applied for "skinned" solid elements that are selected as a master/slave in the contact interface).
Contact Stabilization (CNTSTB entry and PARAM,EXPERTNL,CNTSTB)
Defines parameters for stabilization control of surface-to-surface contact and large displacement node-to-surface contact. A CNTSTB Bulk Data Entry should be referenced by a CNTSTB Subcase Information Entry to be applied in a particular Subcase. Also, PARAM,EXPERTNL,CNTSTB can be used to apply contact stabilization.
Resolution of Pre-penetration (CONTPRM,SFPRPEN)
Figure 6.
In the case above, the Slave node will be identified as if pre-penetrating the Master face, while in reality it is on the other side of the same solid body. The result from nonlinear CONTACT solution will be such that this portion of the body will be "squeezed" to have practically zero thickness, with very high stresses obviously resulting.
Apart from correctly identifying potential Slave and Master sets, a possible remedy to avoid such situations is to make sure that SRCHDIS is smaller than minimum thickness of the solid bodies which are enveloped by self-contacting surfaces.
Contact Friendly Elements (CONTFEL)
Contact friendly elements can be activated using PARAM,CONTFEL,YES. Contact-friendly TETRA10, HEXA20, and PENTA15 elements are available and can be combined in a single model. Modified shape functions are used for possible improved runs with contact friendly elements.
No Separation Contact (SEPARATION)
Flag indicating whether the master and the slave can separate once the contact has been closed. This is set on the PCONT Bulk Data Entry, via the SEPARATION field. If SEPARATION is set to NO, then the master and slave do not separate after contact is closed. Applied only to frictional, SLIDE and STICK contacts with S2S or large-displacement N2S.
- Master and slave Set Identification numbers can point to the same set.
- Master Set Identification number can be blank.
- Surfaces which after large deformation can come into contact with themselves (for example, large buckling deformations). In such situations, some material can collapse onto itself, and it is usually difficult to decide which part will be in contact.
- When a lot of potential contact pairs (master-slave) can exist and it is not feasible to define all of them manually.
- Self-Contact can be tried, if manual contact setup fails for some reason.
- Models can have multiple areas of Self-Contact.
- Same model can have regular contact/TIE in other areas of the model.
- Currently only Continuous Sliding (CONSLI) is supported. Both N2S and S2S contact are available with Self-Contact.