Custom statements allow advanced users to expand the set of MotionSolve model elements by adding new standard model element vocabulary. Custom statements can be mapped to one or more model
The ADAMS files (ADM and ACF) are interpreted by the ADAMS Dataset Reader (ADR), which is responsible for identifying and translating this file's information into XML. The
generated XML is the input for MotionSolve.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding command statements, model statements, functions and
the Subroutine Interface available in MotionSolve.
Customization capabilities in MotionSolve allow advanced users to
customize the MotionSolve input format for specific
Traditionally, multi-body solvers have included user-written subroutines to allow solver
customization for specific domains. For instance,a vehicle dynamics expert can create
special purpose bushings using the FIESUB user-wrtten subroutine. The image below shows
the modeling statements and commands that can be customized by creating user-written
subroutines. Figure 1. Traditional Customization
MotionSolve provides capabilities for expanded customization in
addition to user written subroutines. This is accomplished via a user-configurable XML
mapping file. This mapping file allows you to define the following custom elements:
Custom Functions
Custom Statements
Custom Messaging
Messaging API
Messaging Mapping
Custom Results Output
Results API
Custom Translation Rules
Custom Functions
You can expand the set of MotionSolve functions by adding new, custom functions.
Custom Statements
Custom statements allow advanced users to expand the set of MotionSolve model elements by adding new standard model element vocabulary. Custom statements can be mapped to one or more model elements.
Custom Messaging
There are two types of messaging modes, custom messaging and messaging mapping.
Create Custom Results Output
Custom results output allows you to pass MotionSolve results directly to a user-written subroutine denoted by POST_SUB.
Create a Customizable Configuration XML File
The ADAMS files (ADM and ACF) are interpreted by the ADAMS Dataset Reader (ADR), which is responsible for identifying and translating this file's information into XML. The generated XML is the input for MotionSolve.