MV-1020: Model 2D Rigid to Rigid Contact Simulation
Learn how to create Curve Entities and Curve Graphics, use macros to create them simultaneously, and setup a 2D rigid curve to curve contact.

Figure 1.
Review the Model
Review the model by running it using MotionSolve.
Create Curve Entity and Curve Graphics
Create the Curve Entity and Curve Graphics for FollowerRoller.
Create Curve Entity and Curve Graphics for Cam
Divide the cam profile into Fixed and Variable portions to determine the best shape of the cam for achieving a specific displacement profile of the follower.

Figure 11.
The variable portion of the cam will be controlled by the coordinates of some points in the model.
Create Fixed Portion of Cam Profile
Use a .csv file containing x, y, and z coordinates of points to create a Curve Entity.
Create Variable Portion of Cam Profile
Use a macro to automatically create both the Curve Entity and Curve Graphics using the existing points in the model.
Create Merged Curve of Cam Profile
Merge both fixed and variable portions of the Cam and create a new closed curve to setup the 2D Contact.
Set Up 2D Contact
Define a contact between Cam and FollowerRoller using their respective Curve Graphics.
Save and Run the Model
Save the 2D Contact model and run it using MotionSolve.
Post-Process the Results
Review the MotionSolve simulation summary using HyperView and HyperGraph.

Figure 32.