Radioss® is a leading explicit finite element solver for crash and impact simulation.
It is equipped to solve complex nonlinear behavior with a multitude of material and failure models. Radioss has built-in multi-physics capabilities for fluid-structure interaction and blast simulation. Limited implicit solver capabilities support gravity equilibrium as well as Spring Back Analyses.
Radioss has been used for crashworthiness studies in the automotive industry for over 25 years. A complete library of crash test dummy models is available for full vehicle crash simulations. A finite volume method based airbag modeling technique is particularly powerful for complex out-of-position cases. Radioss has been widely used in defense applications and in the electronics industry for the verification of designs.
Optimization capabilities are available through seamless integration with OptiStruct as well as through a link with HyperStudy. The integration with OptiStruct allows the problem setup with native Radioss input format as well as through OptiStruct input.

Figure 1.