To solve the constrained optimization problem, click on the toolbar button.
This constrained optimization run yields the parameterUnknown values of 1.73 and 1.85 and the cost value of 6.21e-2. The constraint is at its upper bound of 0.4 as should be expected.
Note: The exact answer to the “analytic” problem posed here may differ from the computed answer. This discrepancy shows up because the integration methods are not exact. You can verify this by decreasing the integration step size in the dialog box for the System menu’s System Properties command and rerunning the simulation. The Embed solution to this problem differs (due to numerical truncation errors) from the analytic solution. Taking smaller step sizes makes this relationship clear.
You now have the information necessary to apply this advanced optimization technology to your own problems, such as a curve fitting problem involving five parameters and a PID tuning problem.