
Block Category: Signal Producer

Description: The pulseTrain block produces a sequence of unit amplitude pulses separated by zeros. You cannot control the duration of the pulse; you can only control the time between pulses.

You can add two input connector tabs to the pulseTrain block. The top input connector tab lets you specify an external time delay; the bottom one lets you specify an external time between pulses. These additional inputs override the existing parameters. If you add only one input connector tab, it corresponds to the external delay. Note that if try to implement an external time delay that is a fraction of the simulation time step, the result is undefined.

Label: Indicates a user-defined block label that appears when View > Block Labels is activated.

Time Between Pulses: Specifies the time between pulses. This is useful for clocking delays and sampleholds. The default is 0.01. You can enter a value as a C expression.

Time Delay (sec): Specifies, in seconds, how long to delay before calculating the value of the output signal. The default is 0. If you try to implement a time delay that is a fraction of the simulation time step, the result is undefined. You can enter a value as a C expression.