Block Category: Real-Time
The Serial Read block reads data from the serial bus.
Specifies the information being supplied.
Data: The current data byte from the receive queue.
Receive Queue Length: The current count of bytes in the receive queue.
Transmit Queue Length: The current count of bytes in the receive queue.
If the block output is Data, it controls the data type read. There are four possibilities:
char: Read one byte.
short: Read 2 bytes resulting in a 16-bit integer result.
Long: Read 4 bytes resulting in a 32-bit integer result.
String: Read n bytes resulting in a variable length string result.
End String: Terminates the string at the last character before the match.
Include Match in Result: The matched portions of the string are included in the result; otherwise, they are not included.
Port: Indicates the serial communication port.
Put end match ordinal in element 1: Puts the end match ordinal in element 1.
Separator String: Indicates the separator string.
Start String: Characters are ignored until a match with the start string is found.
Unit: Specifies the serial port to be used.
Vector Len: Sets the length of the output vector.