The next step is to enter the parameters for the motor, load and encoder. The parameter values can be changed later to see what affect they may have on the final control solution.
AC Induction Motor block
1. Right-click the AC Induction Motor block to display its Properties dialog box.
2. Enter the motor parameters shown above. These parameter values are taken from the motor specifications table shown on page 1.
Rotational Load block
1. Right-click the Rotational Load block to display its Properties dialog box.
2. Enter the values shown above, and note the following:
• The value for the Load Viscous Damping Factor is a rough guess.
• For the linkage ratio (gear ratio for this application), follow this rule: a factor less than 1.0 multiplies torque, and a factor greater than 1.0 multiplies speed; entering 1.0 produces a direct connection between motor and load.
• Default values are shown for the upper and lower stop limits, but since the Enable Hard Stops checkbox is not activated, hard stop limits are not used in the model. Hard stops are useful in position control system applications.
Rotary Encoder block
1. Right-click the Rotary Encoder block to display its Properties dialog box.
2. Enter the values shown above.