A simple state is a state with no regions or substates. For information on editing states, see Working with states and pseudo-states.
Background: Specifies the color of the decomposition region of the state.
Border: Specifies the color for the state borders.
Header: Specifies the color of the header region. To change the font color, use the View > Fonts command.
Comment: Indicates information or notes about the state. The comments only appear in the dialog box.
Name: Specifies a name for the state. The name can be alphanumeric characters. It must be unique with respect to other state names in the state chart.
State Activity Code: Specifies one or more actions and associated behaviors. Enter and edit state activity code in the Activity Manager window.
Entry: Code is executed on state entry.
Exit: Code is executed on state exit.
Do: Code is executed for each execution cycle that the state remains active.
On Trigger: Code is executed when the state is active and when the specified trigger is TRUE.
Add/Delete Action: Adds or deletes the action to the Selected Actions window.
Attach Breakpoint: Sets a breakpoint on the state that causes the simulation to stop after the corresponding time step is complete. For more information, see Using breakpoints.
Available Triggers: Lists the available triggers.
Deferred Triggers: Lists the deferred triggers.
Edit Behavior: Specifies the state behavior for the corresponding action. State behavior is specified as C statements. For more information, see Associating behaviors with states.
Log Message: Logs the specified message when a state behavior is executed. For more information, see Logging messages.