Altair Compose 2020 Release Notes

Compose 2020 includes the following new features and enhancements.

Note: * Indicates Business Edition of Compose

New Features/Enhancements

  • Compose 2020 uses Altair Units.*
  • Compose editions renamed Personal (formerly Basic) and Business (formerly Professional).
  • ARSM and GRSM optimization methods added to Compose optimization methods.*
  • Additional support for contour plots in Notebook.
  • CAE reader speed improvements.*
  • OML functions in OptiStruct DRESP3 responses on Linux.*

OML Language Improvements

  • Implemented a == operator for class objects.
  • Sparse matrices supported in the MAT files (MATIO feature).
  • getpythonvar second and third return values are optional.
  • Support for static functions inside a class.
  • Support Unicode file names in fopen.
  • Sparse LHS slicing supports RHS sparse matrices.
  • Sparse LHS slicing speed improved when RHS is zero.
  • Documentation improvements for the following commands:
    • createh3dfile
    • find
    • writeh3ddata

New OML Language Commands

The following commands are new in Compose 2020:
  • box, turns ON/OFF the border around the plot area.
  • contains
  • getmousepos, returns the position of the mouse in a plot or figure.
  • imagesc command extended to support limits.
  • plotyy command added for the Compose Notebook.
  • fanplot command added to create fan plots.
  • removelibrary, removes and unloads a library added by the addlibrary() command.
  • strip

General Improvements

  • New pagination option in the OML command window. Three modes available in the command window: ON, OFF, and Interactive.
  • Improved speed when printing outputs in the GUI.
  • Improved printing to the OML window in Console mode.

Plotting and GUI Improvements

  • Global titles, axes titles, and legends available for subplots.
  • New equal option for the axis command to force plot axes to be uniform.
  • 3D plots support text.
  • Labels supported for the Y category axis in 3D bar plots.
  • Tip-to-tail curves supported for polar plots.
  • Blended and discrete contour types supported.
  • Increased the number of levels allowed in the color bar to 32.
  • Text can be positioned horizontally or vertically for 2D plots.
  • "enable" property for uicontrol object.
  • Support to set 'currentfigure' property to set active status of a figure.
  • Improve Bode plots so that phase is unwrapped.
  • Better handling of plot lines with NaN.
  • Compute bode(ss) without ss2tf.
  • Improved x axis labeling and x axis tics.

Resolved Issues

The following issues (and more) have been resolved for Compose 2020:
  • Unable to declare a static method in a classdef.
  • Error in Notebook plotting after running several times.
  • uicontrol callbacks issue.
  • Last line of TXT or CSV file is lost when using dlmread.
  • zip command does not respect case sensitivity.
  • Error when defining class method with multiple outputs.
  • Crash when printing large matrix in GUI.
  • OptiStruct/OML bridge error when the OML file contains a function.*
  • str2num causes crash.
  • Cyclic-order dependence when editing function definitions.
  • meshgrid indexing issue with a scalar input.
  • for loop slow performance.
  • zip issue.
  • Cell assignment issue.
  • imagesc documentation unavailable.
  • Crash with fprintf on an empty matrix.
  • Junk characters in DOS prompt when running an OML script in batch mode.
  • Junk character in console with multi-line input.
  • On Linux, error when reading CAE files in batch mode.*
  • system command does not allow double quotes in Linux command.
  • Sparse matrix indexing issue.
  • Matrix addition is slow for large sparse matrices.
  • sparse(row, col, v) is slow for large matrices.
  • hex2dec fails on large numbers.
  • Wrong output in rem function when the value is greater than 1E10.
  • colon operator, :, for strings not working.
  • Slow command to process long strings.
  • Error in matrix multiplication between sparse and full matrices.
  • Application crash when reading CSV/XLS files in a folder named with Chinese characters.
  • any function not working properly for sparse matrices.
  • Display issue in console mode with the input command.
  • findpeaks not working for curves without positive values.
  • releasefileinfo and releasedata not working on Linux.*
  • Memory issue when closing plots.
  • clear (all) doesn't clear the memory of a sparse matrix.
  • Blank part of a figure turns black when saved as a BMP image.
  • stem function issue.
  • system function executes system command, but doesn't handle trailing space correctly.
  • Saved plot image contains cursor position.
  • Breakpoints on empty lines do not stop the debugger.
  • Unable to find function depending on its position within a file.
  • ss2tfc and tf2ssc syntax highlighting and help pages access issue.
  • system function does not handle double quotes in the command string correctly.
  • imagesc plots are upside down.
  • matplotlib plots are not displayed in the Python command window.
  • Python "input" command does not work when executed from the Editor.
  • Wrong cell extraction (nested).
  • On Linux platforms, unable to go (cd) to the root directory.
  • nargout cannot find the function if the function is defined in an OMC file (encrypted).
  • Slow dlmread function.
  • Bar plot text issue.
  • Indexing a UTF-8 string issue.
  • close(figureHandle) closes all figures.
  • Slow performance of getsubcasename with .pch files.*
  • Comments interfere with statements.
  • xlabel, ylabel, title, and legends do not support '{' and '}' characters.
  • Unable to set 'position' to negative values in figures.
  • Naming issue (case sensitive) for ABCD matrix in state space.
  • nan value in textscan issue.
  • Contour issue depending on the figure size.
  • Command added to turn off the border of the grid in imagesc.
  • Display issue with ls function when using Chinese characters.
  • Syntax issue with polar command.
  • Delete command history doesn't work for some plot commands.
  • Memory issue when reading a large CAE file is interrupted.
  • Performance issue when quickly dragging a 3D plot.
  • 3D scatter symbol does not display correctly.
  • func2str does not properly handle an anonymous function.
  • pinv does not work with two inputs.