Altair Inspire Cast 2020 Release Notes

Altair Inspire Cast 2020 includes the following new features and enhancements.

New Features

Licensing and Altair Units
solidThinking Units and HyperWorks Hosted Units have been replaced with Altair Units for version 2020.
User Interface Enhancements
The Inspire Cast user interface has been updated for 2020 and features several new themes, as well as changes to selection and pre-highlighting colors. If you prefer the old background theme, just select Blue Twilight in the Preferences under Workspace > Theme.
Analysis Explorer Enhancements
The Analysis Explorer allows you to filter the results so that areas on the model with results greater than a specified value are masked. In addition, a Scale Factor option has been added to the animation settings window.
Simulation Parameters Information
Users can now quickly access all of the simulation settings used in a run in the Analysis Explorer. This includes information about the components, process parameters, stages, mesh, and model.
Mold Roughness
Users now have the option to select from three surface finishes to simulate friction between the liquid and the mold.