Altair Inspire Extrude Polymer 2020 Release Notes

Inspire Extrude 2020 includes the following new features and enhancements.

New Features: General

Improvement in Property Editor
The property editor is enhanced to update the appropriate material that is selected while organizing the polymer layers.
Altair Units and Altair Oneā„¢
solidThinking Units and HyperWorks Hosted Units have been replaced with Altair Units for version 2020. In addition, Altair 365 has been renamed Altair One.
User Interface Enhancements
The Inspire Extrude user interface has been updated for 2020 and features several new themes, as well as changes to selection and pre-highlighting colors. If you prefer the old background theme, just select Blue Twilight in the Preferences under Workspace > Theme.
Analysis Explorer Enhancements
The Analysis Explorer allows you to filter the results so that areas on the model with results greater than a specified value are masked. In addition, a Scale Factor option has been added to the animation settings window.

New Features: Polymer Extrusion

Custom Colors for Layers
In this release, users can choose the color for each layer from the color palette in the polymer legend.
Non-Planar Lines and Cut Land
In this release, the Cut Land tool is improved to handle non-planar lines while creating the cutting plane.

New Features: Calibration

Calibration Analysis with Metal Insert
The calibration analysis is further enhanced to support metal Inserts in this release. The insert properties have to be set in the Polymer ribbon page. In case of length inconsistencies with Profile length, the calibration export will adjust the length in positive and negative Z directions, so that the length matches with the Profile length.
Meshing Improvement
The batch mode is now capable of meshing the calibrator components in SimLab.