Altair Inspire 2020 Release Notes

Altair Inspire version 2020 includes the following new features and enhancements.

New Features: Structures

  • PolyMesh Ribbon: Inspire has a new PolyMesh ribbon featuring tools for lattice fill, lattice convert, and shrinkwrap. The Smooth tool from the PolyNURBS ribbon has also been moved to the PolyMesh ribbon for 2020.
  • Boolean Enhancements: You can now perform Boolean operations between surfaces, triangular mesh parts, shrinkwrap parts, or lattice fills.
  • Improved PolyNURBS Performance: Inspire now features instantaneous PolyNURBS manipulation even with large models and high numbers of cage faces.
  • SimSolid Enhancements: A new Reaction Forces tool has been added for SimSolid analysis, as well as custom solution settings and face faceting parameters in the Preferences.
  • Mass and Mesh Size Calculations: To improve overall performance, mass and mesh sizes are now calculated on demand.

New Features: Motion

  • Velocity Initial Conditions Tool: You can now specify the velocity initial conditions for parts in a motion model. The new Velocity ICs tool allows you to set translational velocity and/or angular velocity for one or more parts.
  • Undo/Redo for Plot Manager: The Plot Manager now has buttons to Undo and Redo operations when plotting or editing pages, plots, and curves.
  • Quick Coil Spring-to-Ground Connection: For coil springs, you can quickly create a connection to ground by clicking a feature on a part twice. This also works when clicking on pin joints and bolt fasteners while creating coil springs.
  • New Open Run Folder Icon: The Analyze Motion tool now has an Open Run Folder satellite icon. It can be used to easily access motion run files such as the animation file (.h3d) or MotionSolve run.log files.
  • Updated Quick Run Behavior: Now when you click the Quick Run icon or press the F9 shortcut key, Inspire takes you directly into review mode if you already have motion results and have not changed the model or run settings. (In previous releases it would always start a new motion analysis.) Invoking Quick Run from the motion toolbelt or clicking the Run button on the Run Motion Analysis window will start a new motion analysis, for those that preferred the old workflow.

New Features: Print3D

  • Improved Results Visualization: Inspire Print3D now shows results on top of the original geometry, making it easier to analyze the deformation and the final shape of the part.
  • Improved Solver Performance: Inspire Print3D's solver has been upgraded, resulting in greatly improved performance and reliability.

Additional Changes and Enhancements

  • Altair Units and Altair Oneā„¢: solidThinking Units and HyperWorks Hosted Units have been replaced with Altair Units for version 2020. In addition, Altair 365 has been renamed Altair One.
  • User Interface Updates: The Inspire user interface has been updated for 2020 and features several new themes, as well as changes to selection and pre-highlighting colors. If you prefer the old background theme, just select Blue Twilight in the Preferences under Workspace > Theme.
  • Show Angles for Free Move: A new option has been added under Preferences > Move Tool to show angles when editing the tool position during free move.
  • Break Instance: For parts that have been instanced, you can now break the connection between the part and the instance. This option appears in the part context menu as Break Instance.
  • Analysis Explorer Enhancements: You can now flip the masking of results in the Analysis Explorer, and you can select the arrow on the results slider to enter a specific value. Also, a scale factor has been added to the Animation Settings.