Abaqus Interface 2020 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Bolt Pretension Manager for Abaqus Interface
Introducing a new bolt pretension manager tool for Abaqus interface. The tool supports creation of pretension loads/displacements on 1D and 3D bolts.
Contact Grouping for Abaqus in Contact Browser
New contact group entity introduced in contact browser that allows grouping of multiple contact pairs/Tie under one keyword (*CONTACT PAIR/*TIE) to facilitate multiple data lines of contact pair/tie as well as review each definition individually.
Field Remapping of Element and Node Attributes
Upon remesh, elemental and nodal values such as thickness, orientation, offset etc., are retained. All the keywords associated with element and node thickness, offset and orientation are automatically updated upon remesh.
Apply Quote Rules
Export options for solver input file now contains export with quote rules. Named entities in Abaqus input file that start with special characters and numbers as well as empty spaces with names are automatically recognized and quotes are applied to avoid solver error upon running.
New Keywords
*TENSILE FAILURE – Explicit profile only
*NO TENSION – All profiles
*NO COMPRESSION – All profiles
*VISCOUS – Standard 2D and Standard 3D
*CONTACT FORMULATION – Available in explicit already, added to Standard 2D/3D
New Elements
C3D5 and C3D5H – Pyramid elements for standard 3D profile.
CSS8 – Continuum solid shell element for standard 3D profile.
CAXA82 and CAXA8H2 – Axisymmetric 8 node elements for standard 2D profile.
DC1D2E – Coupled thermal-electric 2 node link element for standard 2D profile.
C3D10 – Second order tetrahedral element for explicit profile.


Updated Keywords
*FRICTION – Added under *GAP to enable friction for gap elements in standard profile
*COUPLING – Now the reference node is updated to have a node set
*FREQUENCY – Previously there was no option to set SIM=NO, now it is enabled
*CONNECTOR ELASTICITY – new option REGULARIZE and RTOL added for explicit profile
*SOLID SECTION – For composites, option to choose *ORIENTATION is exposed
*FASTENER PROPERTY – MASS option is removed from the keyword as per Abaqus 2016 requirement
Date and Time on Exported Input Files
All exported input files in Abaqus profile now will have date and time of export as comment statement at the start of the input file.
Parts and Instances for Abaqus Interface
Support instance level content that has additional keywords such as sets, surfaces etc. on some of the instances.
Export options for exporting a part and instance input file with every part going into a separate include.
AutoContact Enhancements
Component based autocontact – Uses the complete component instead of surfaces upon detection of proximity.
Choosing of the prefix name – a choice of using a preferred name as prefix for all contact pairs and ties generated.
Default detection angle is set to 30deg.
Consolidating multiple contact pair/tie is disabled by default. Can be enabled.
Abaqus results support for HyperView
HyperView now supports reading and post-processing of Abaqus 2020 ODB result files.
Remove include file reference based on export status
HyperMesh only. When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."

Resolved Issues

  • An issue with importing *CONTACT INTERFERENCE without directional cosine value is resolved.
  • OGDEN hyperelastic material model with Alpha values incorrectly importing is resolved.
  • *PLASTIC material card with a comma did not recognize following data lines and the issue is fixed.
  • Issue of selecting surface interaction property for general contact in standard 3D profile is fixed.
  • Beam general section property would not get the section data from hyperbeam and the issue is resolved.
  • An issue with analytical rigid surface not getting point data for surface definition is fixed.
  • An issue with nested surface definition getting passed on to *COUPLING has been resolved.
  • An include file specified after *STEP moves out and the issue is fixed.
  • In beam general section definition if the *DAMPING is present, the subsequent keywords are missed out. The issue is resolved.
  • An issue with density value lost upon import due decimal values has been resolved.
  • An issue with formula set value changing from integer to decimal value for nodal thickness is fixed.
  • On T-sections the nodal thickness mapping was not accurate and the issue is resolved.