Add Images to Controls

It is possible to add images to the following controls in Process Studio:

  • Button
  • File browser
  • Label
Note: Only .gif files are supported as image files in Process Manager.

When a new template is created, an images and a modules folder are created in the same folder where the template file is created. For example, the folder structure below would be created when creating template sample.pmt in the sampleTemplates folder:

Figure 1.
Example template, c:\sampleTemplates\sample.pmt
  1. Copy any .gif image file to be used in the process template, in advance, to the images folder.
    Once files are available in the images folder, they will appear in the Image File drop-down menu for the selected control.

    Figure 2.
  2. Select an image.
  3. Set the Image Visibility property to true or false - depending on whether you want the image visible or hidden on the selected control.
  4. Set the alignment of the image.
    The image can appear on either side of the control and before or after any text.

    The image below shows an image on a button control with visibility set to true and alignment set to left.

    Figure 3.