Additional File Content

By adding its own BeanInfo class you can customize newly created bean component's properties. Use the and file while creating user bean. file content

package com.tutorial;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.altair.hwm.interfaces.*;

* Title:        MyFirstBean
* Description:  The First Bean that we are writing as part of the training
* Copyright     Copyright (c) 2001
* Company:      Altair Engineering, Inc.
* @author surya
public class MyFirstBean extends JPanel
                      implements ActionListener, IHWMControl
    * The handle to the HWPM FrameWork that will handed by the HWPM engine
   protected IHWMFrameWork m_hwmFrameWork = null;
   protected String m_strBeanName;

    * UI components used in this bean
   protected JTextField m_txtFile = null;
   protected JButton m_btnImport = null;
   protected JButton m_btnFileBrowser = null;

    * Constructor

   public MyFirstBean()
       catch(Exception e)

    * Builds GUI
    * @throws Exception
   private void jbInit() throws Exception
       //Set the layout of this panel as GridbagLayout
       setLayout(new GridBagLayout());

       //Create and add listeners to UI components
       JLabel lblFile = new JLabel("File");
       m_txtFile = new JTextField("");
       m_btnImport  = new JButton("Import");
       m_btnFileBrowser = new JButton("Browse...");

       //Add tooltips
       m_txtFile.setToolTipText("File to be imported into HM");
       m_btnFileBrowser.setToolTipText("File Browser");
       m_btnImport.setToolTipText("Import the file in Hypermesh");

       //Add the components to the panel
       this.add(lblFile,  new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 1.0,
           GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE,
           new Insets(9, 9, 9, 3), 0, 0));
       this.add(m_txtFile,  new GridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0,
           GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
           new Insets(9, 3, 9, 3), 0, 0));
       this.add(m_btnFileBrowser, new GridBagConstraints(2, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 1.0,
           GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE,
           new Insets(9, 3, 9, 3), 0, 0));
       this.add(m_btnImport, new GridBagConstraints(3, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 1.0,
           GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE,
           new Insets(9, 3, 9, 9), 0, 0));

    * Callback for import model button and file type combo box
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
       Object objSource = event.getSource();

           if(objSource == m_btnImport)
       catch (Exception exception)

    * Imports the selected model into Hypermesh
    * @throws Exception
   public void ImportModel() throws Exception
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello World");

   /////////////////////// IHWMControl Interface ////////////////////////////

    * This method is called by the HWPM engine to set the interface with
    * which the bean can communicate directly with the HWPM classes.
    * @param hwmFrameWork The interface with which a bean can
    * communicate with HWPM
   public void SetFrameWork(IHWMFrameWork hwmFrameWork)
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Came to SetFramework()");
       m_hwmFrameWork = hwmFrameWork;


    * Set the name of the bean
    * @param strBeanName The name of this bean as the framework knows it to be.
    * Will be useful, if the bean chooses to scope its data in the datamodel -
    * especially if multiple instances of the same bean appear in the process
   public void SetBeanName(String strBeanName)
       m_strBeanName = strBeanName;

    * Invoked by the HWM application when the bean is being destroyed. Any
    * uninitializations to be done, can be done here by overriding this method.
   public void OnExit()

    * Invoked by the HWM application when all the beans are loaded and the
    * application can run. Beans that need to perform some action once all
    * the beans are loaded can do it here. The container will call 'Run' on
    * all the beans that have implemented the IHWMControl. The order will be:
    * a> First call "Run" on all the beans in pages associated with a task.
    *    Begin with the first task.
    * b> Call 'Run' on rest of the pages (which are not associated with a
    *    task). The pages are selected based on their order of creation.
    * c> Within a page, the beans are invoked depending on the order of their
    *    creation.
   public void Run()

    * The play method needs to execute the functionaliy. This may be invoked
    * in the replay mode.
   public void Play()
} file content

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Name: com/tutorial/MyFirstBean.class
Java-Bean: True
Sealed: True

So far you have created a Java bean and used the bean in a process template. Now, run a process template in Stand-alone mode by using the script given below.

Below is the Batch Script [Save to *.bat file].

Note: Please edit the ALTAIR_HOME variable appropriately.

Please edit the DEF_TEMPLATE variable appropriately.

REM HWVERSION_9.0b115_Mar 16 2008_12:24:42
@echo off
REM Altair Copyright
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM HyperWorks Process Manager Startup Script (PC ONLY)
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" setlocal
set ALTAIR_HOME=C:\Altair\hw9.0
set OS_BITS=win32

set DEF_TEMPLATE=C:\surya\F_DRIVE\Altair_Works\temp\s.pmt

set HWPM_HOME=%ALTAIR_HOME%\javaapps\%OS_BITS%\pmgr
set ALTAIR_JIDE_LIB="%HWPM_HOME%\lib\jide-action.jar;%HWPM_HOME%\lib\jide-components.jar;%HWPM_HOME%\lib\jide-designer.jar;%HWPM_HOME%\lib\jide-dialogs.jar;%HWPM_HOME%\lib\jide-dock.jar;%HWPM_HOME%\lib\jide-grids.jar"
set ALTAIR_MONARCH_LIB="%HWPM_HOME%\lib\mchart.jar;%HWPM_HOME%\lib\mgraph.jar"
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Set the path to the default license file.
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if "%LM_LICENSE_FILE%" == "" set LM_LICENSE_FILE=%ALTAIR_HOME%\security\altair_lic.dat
set JRE_HOME=%ALTAIR_HOME%\hw\jre\%OS_BITS%\jre
set ALTAIR_CLASSNAME=com.altair.hwm.toolkit.frame.HWMAppFrameView
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Uncomment for debugging
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM ${JRE_HOME}/bin/java ${JRE_ARGS} -Ddebug=true  -classpath ${ALTAIR_CLASSPATH} ${ALTAIR_CLASSNAME} &
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------