
This interface is the gateway to spawning third party applications and establishing a socket connection with them, or connecting to and communicating with servers (ex. Database servers).

The HWMCommMgr can:

  • Spawn another application and create a socket connection (for communication), and send/receive strings.
  • Connect to another application that has created a server socket and communicate with that application using strings.
  • Connect and send SQL queries to a relational database server using JDBC drivers.
  • Connect to servers that use SOAP protocols to communicate (ex. eCompute server).

The instance of the CommManager can be obtained from the IHWMFrameWork handle. Any bean can make calls into the CommManager and spawn and/or connect to an external application. Every connection is identified by a session name, which will be one of the arguments in any method associated with the HWMCommMgr class. The HWMCommMgr maintains a list of all the connections to external applications.

Spawning any application and establishing a socket connection

public void DoSomething()

HWMCommMgr hwmCommMgr = m_hwmFrameWork.GetCommMgr();
HWMClientComm hwmComm =
hwmCommMgr.StartApp(strExec, //The full path to the  exec
arrszArgs, //Commad line args
null, //Working directory
"MY_SESSION" /*The session name*/ );

Starting any generic application returns an instance of HWMClientComm. The HWMClientComm provides methods such as SendCommand and SendQuery public void DoSomething().

HWMCommMgr hwmCommMgr = m_hwmFrameWork.GetCommMgr();
HWMClientComm hwmComm =
hwmCommMgr.StartApp(strExec, //The full path to the  exec
arrszArgsUG, //Commad line args
null, //Working directory*/
"MY_SESSION" /*The session name*/ );

hwmComm.SendCommand("*readfile D:/altair/demo/hm/bumper.hm");
HWMResponseHandle response =
hwmComm.SendQuery("hm_info hm_info templatefilename");

The SendQuery will return an instance of HWMResponseHandle.

Response.IsSuccess() will return whether the SendQuery was executed successfully.

  • Response.toString() will return the result of the query as a string.
  • Response.toVector() will parse the result and convert it to a vector.

If the response is "ABC DEF "My name is Jay" XYZ", the vector will have 4 items:

  • ACB
  • DEF
  • My name is Jay
  • XYZ
public void DoSomething()

HWMCommMgr hwmCommMgr = m_hwmFrameWork.GetCommMgr();
HWMClientComm hwmComm =
hwmCommMgr.StartApp(strExec, //The full path to the exec
arrszArgsUG,  //Commad line args
null, /*Working directory*/
"MY_SESSION" /*The session name*/ );
hwmComm.SendCommand("*readfile D:/altair/demo/hm/bumper.hm");
HWMResponseHandle response =
hwmComm.SendQuery("hm_info hm_info templatefilename");
String strResponse;
if (response.IsSuccess())

strResponse = response.toString();

The following is an example of how one bean gets the instance of the HWMClientComm created via a call to StartApp by another bean:

HWMClientComm hwmComm =
hwmCommMgr. GetClientComm("MY_SESSION" /*The session name*/);

Spawning HyperMesh/HyperWorks application and establishing a socket connection:

public void DoSomething()

HWMCommMgr hwmCommMgr = m_hwmFrameWork.GetCommMgr();
HWMCommHM commHM =
hwmCommMgr.StartHM(strExec, //The full path to HM exec
null,  /*Commad line args, if any*/
null, /*Working directory*/
"MY_SESSION" /*The session name*/ );
commHM.SendCommand("*readfile D:/altair/demo/hm/bumper.hm");
HWMResponseHandle response =
commHM.SendQuery("hm_info hm_info templatefilename");


The StartHM method returns a special class instance (HWMCommHM). This class is actually derived from HWMClientComm, and provides additional methods to send a Tcl procedure through the socket and execute it.

public void DoSomething()

HWMCommMgr hwmCommMgr = m_hwmFrameWork.GetCommMgr();
HWMCommHM commHM =
hwmCommMgr.StartHM(strExec,/*The full path to HM exec*/
null,  /*Commad line args, if any*/
null, /*Working directory*/
"MY_SESSION" /*The session name*/ );

String strProc = ""
 +"proc GetPropertyCollectorNames {} {"
 +"  *clearmark properties 1;"
 +"  *createmark properties 1 \"all\";"
 +"  set listProps [hm_getmark properties 1];"
 +"  set nNumofProps [llength $listProps];"
 +"  set listPropNames \"\";"
 +"  for {set j 0} {$j<$nNumofProps} {incr j} {"
 +"    set nPropID [lindex $listProps $j];"
 +"    set strPropName [hm_getcollectorname props $nPropID];"
 +"    lappend listPropNames $strPropName;"
 +"  return $listPropNames;"

//Send the TCL procedure through the socket and execute it
HWMResponseHandle response =
Note: Every Tcl statement, including the ends of "if" blocks, "while" block, and so on, must end with a semicolon (;).

The following illustrates how to get the instance of the HWMCommHM created via a call to StartHM by another bean:

HWMCommHM hwmCommHM =
hwmCommMgr. GetHM("MY_SESSION" /*The session name*/);