
Set up the simulation model, materials, domains, and boundaries.

Attention: The icons shown on the ribbon below are used to complete this workflow. Click an icon to learn more about the tool.
Use the Physics tool to define the global AcuSolve settings used in the simulation. Use the Material Library tool to create, edit, delete, and import/export fluid, solid, or immiscible multiphase materials. Once defined, these materials can be referenced in any domain. Use the Parameters tool to create, delete, and import/export parameters. Use the Multipliers tool to create, edit, and delete multiplier functions. Multiplier or ramp functions are used to multiply or ramp variables while defining boundaries, radiation, and mesh conditions. Use the Material tool to assign materials to solid bodies. Use the Thin tool to define thin thermal layers on surfaces and assign material properties. Use the Porous tool and its satellite icons to define Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical porosity on solid bodies. Use the Sources tools to specify a collection of body forces (momentum or heat) within solid bodies. Use the Reference Frame tool to define rotating reference frames on solid bodies or surfaces. Use the Heat Exchanger tool to specify heat exchanger components for a solid. Use the Profiled tool to apply boundary conditions on surfaces where the flow enters the domain. Use the Constant tool to define an opening surface with a constant velocity. Use the Pressure tools to enforce pressure on the nodes of a surface Use the Far Field tool to define surfaces far away from the source of disturbance. Use the Atmospheric tool to define atmospheric boundary layers at an inlet. Use the Outlet tool define boundary conditions on surfaces where flow is exiting the domain. Use the No Slip tool to define physical walls in the simulation domain. Use the Baffles tool to define baffle surfaces. Use the Moving tool to define a surface moving at a certain velocity. This condition then imposes that velocity to the fluid. Use the Slip tool to define wall surfaces which have zero shear stress and through which there is no normal velocity. Use the Symmetry tool to define a surface as a symmetry plane. Use the Periodic tool to define boundaries with translational, rotational, and streamwise periodicity. With a periodic condition, you can represent a larger periodic model by applying settings to just a section. Use the Default Wall tool to edit the default properties of unassigned wall surfaces. If you later assigns properties to a surface, it will be removed from the default domain.