Create Zone Mesh

Use the Zones tool to define mesh refinement settings by shape. These controls provide the capability to get mesh refinement on surfaces enclosed in defined boxes, spheres, and cylinders.

Create a Sphere Mesh Zone

  1. From the Mesh ribbon, Mesh Controls tools, click the Sphere tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Draw the sphere.
    A preview of the sphere displays at your cursor's position in the modeling window.
    1. Move your mouse and left-click to position the sphere's center.
    2. Move your mouse to uniformly resize and draw the sphere.
    3. Left-click to create the sphere preview.
  3. Enter a mesh size value in the microdialog.
  4. Modify the size and location of the sphere in the following ways:
    • Reposition the sphere with the Move tool. To enable the Move tool, click in the microdialog.
    • Resize the sphere by editing the radius in the microdialog and pressing Enter, or by clicking the face of the sphere and dragging the arrow.
    • Fit the sphere around a selected object by clicking in the microdialog.
  5. Press Esc or middle mouse click to create the sphere.
  • After editing the sphere with an arrow manipulator, left-click to re-invoke the microdialog.
  • Show/hide the sphere's dimensions by clicking in the microdialog.
  • While placing or editing the sphere, use snap points to snap to predefined points on your model, such as surface boundary fixed points or mid points of surfaces.

Create a Box Mesh Zone

  1. From the Mesh ribbon, Mesh Controls tools, click the Box tool.

    Figure 2.
  2. Draw the box.
    A preview of the box displays at your cursor's position in the modeling window.
    1. Move your mouse and left-click to position the box's center point.
    2. Move your mouse to uniformly resize and draw the box.
    3. Left-click to create the box preview.
  3. Enter a mesh size value in the microdialog.
  4. Modify the size and location of the box in the following ways:
    • Reposition the box with the Move tool. To enable the Move tool, click in the microdialog.
    • Resize the box by editing the length, width, and height in the microdialog and pressing Enter, or by clicking one of the box's faces and dragging the arrow.
    • Fit the box around a selected object by clicking in the microdialog.
  5. Press Esc or middle mouse click to create the box.
  • After editing the box with an arrow manipulator, left-click to re-invoke the microdialog.
  • Show/hide the box's dimensions by clicking in the microdialog.
  • While placing or editing the box, use snap points to snap to predefined points on your model, such as surface end points, mid-points, or surf center points.

Create a Cylinder Mesh Zone

  1. From the Mesh ribbon, Mesh Controls tools, click the Cylinder tool.

    Figure 3.
  2. Draw the cylinder.
    A preview of the cylinder displays at your cursor's position in the modeling window.
    1. Move your mouse and left-click to position the cylinder's center point.
    2. Move your mouse to uniformly resize and draw the cylinder.
    3. Left-click to create the cylinder preview.
  3. Enter a mesh size value in the microdialog.
  4. Modify the size and location of the cylinder in the following ways:
    • Reposition the cylinder with the Move tool. To enable the Move tool, click in the microdialog.
    • Resize the cylinder by editing the radius and height in the microdialog and pressing Enter, or by clicking one of the cylinder's faces and dragging the arrow.
    • Fit the cylinder around a selected object by clicking in the microdialog.
  5. Press Esc or middle mouse click to create the cylinder.
  • After editing the cylinder with an arrow manipulator, left-click to re-invoke the microdialog.
  • Show/hide the cylinder's dimensions by clicking in the microdialog.
  • While placing or editing the cylinder, use snap points to snap to predefined points on your model, such as surface end points, mid-points, or surf center points.