Define Symmetry Conditions

Use the Symmetry tool to define a surface as a symmetry plane.

Symmetry planes can be used to model just half of the actual simulation domain in the case where geometry is symmetrical across surfaces. The Symmetry type is equivalent to the Slip type in that it exhibits zero flux and zero shear stress across the plane.
  1. Select the surfaces on which to apply the boundary condition in the following ways:
    • While in the Flow ribbon, select surfaces, then right-click and select Assign Wall > Symmetry from the context menu.
    • From the Flow ribbon, Boundaries tools, click the Symmetry tool.

      Figure 1.

      Select surfaces.

  2. In the dialog, enter a value for Precedence.
  3. From the guide bar, execute the command in the following ways:
    • Click to confirm your selection and remain in the tool.

      This allows you to continue creating instances and helps you visualize and edit instances with the legend.

    • Click to confirm your selection and exit the tool.