Convert Geometry

Use the Convert tool to tessellate b-spline geometry and convert to discrete geometry.

You can convert to discrete geometry by faceting or remeshing. B-spline geometry will be removed after faceting, and all topology definitions, solids, surfaces, lines, points, IDs, and metadata will be retained. The workflow for discrete geometry will be the same as b-spline geometry. After converting the b-spline model to a discrete model, you will be able to use most tools with the same interactions.

Proper, finer sizes in tessellation will help to capture shape, and operations based on discrete geometry will be more robust.

Note: You can convert to a discrete model even after setup is done. All setup parameters will be retained.
  1. From the Geometry ribbon, FE Geometry tools, click the Convert tool.

    Figure 1.
    The Convert CAD to FE dialog opens.
  2. Select a method for meshing unmeshed surfaces and define the relevant parameters.
  3. Click Convert.
    Tessellation is performed on the entire model, so no selection is required.

Convert Tool

An overview of the Convert tool.

Figure 2.

Use the Convert tool to tessellate b-spline geometry and convert to discrete geometry.

Go to Geometry > Convert.

Faceting Options

The faceting method creates stl-type mesh. It is a quick method and can capture all curvature precisely.

Faceting size definition
Method for defining facet size and quality. Fine, Coarse, and Normal auto decide sizes based on the model. User-defined method enables you to define mesh size settings.
Maximum size
Maximum facet size. This size is applied on flat surfaces. Size on curved surfaces is determined based on the feature angle and defined deviation.
Geometric feature angle
Maximum angle between generated faceted elements.
Define maximum deviation
Enables you to control maximum deviation of facets from original geometry.
Maximum geometric deviation
Restricts the maximum deviation of generated facets from original geometry. To achieve maximum deviation, the mesher will refine facets at curvature.
Minimum size factor
Controls minimum facet size to be generated. Defined as a factor of the maximum size. Some facets edges may be smaller than the defined factor.

Surface Meshing Options

The surface meshing method generates good quality, smooth mesh. All geometric editing operations work better on good quality mesh. Also, the same mesh can be utilized directly for volume mesh.

Average size
Set the average element size for surface meshing.
Curvature based refinement
Option to turn on mesh refinement based on geometric curvature.
Minimum size factor
The minimum element size, as a factor of the average element size. Value must be less than or equal to 1.
Geometric feature angle
The maximum allowable break angle between adjacent elements.
Mesh growth rate
The factor to control the rate of transition in case of element size change.