Fix Mesh Quality of Tessellated Models

Use the Fix tool to improve the quality of an FE (discrete/mesh) model.

This tool works for FE models only and helps to improve the quality of selected FE surfaces using defined parameters.
  1. From the Geometry ribbon, FE Geometry tools, click the Fix tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. On the guide bar, click to define the criteria for quality improvements.
  3. Select the surfaces to fix.
  4. Click Fix on the guide bar.
  • All selected cleanup operations are performed in sequence using the same order listed in the options menu.
  • If you have a CAD geometry model with mesh and you want to improve its quality, first convert it to an FE model using the Convert tool.

Fix Tool

An overview of the Fix tool.

Figure 2.

Use the Fix tool to improve the quality of an FE (discrete/mesh) model.

Go to Geometry > Fix.


Degenerated element cleanup
Remove very high aspect ratio elements. This option will delete degenerate elements and may create free edges.
Duplicate element cleanup
Removes duplicate elements from selected surfaces. Duplicate elements can cause issues in volume meshing, so it is better to remove them before volume meshing.
Aspect ratio cleanup
Collapses elements greater than the defined aspect ratio. Use this option to improve quality locally on already meshed surfaces.
Note: Using this option on a tessellated model can distort geometry.
Element height cleanup
Collapses elements less than the defined height. Use this option to improve quality locally on already meshed surfaces.
Note: Using this option on a tessellated model can distort geometry.
Intersection cleanup
Resolves intersections in the model by moving nodes and swapping edges.
Per solid fix
Fixes intersections within solids only, not across the solids. If all solids in the model are not already connected, it is recommended to turn this option on, or else it may distort geometry where solids are intersecting.
Number of iterations
Defines how many iterations attempts it will make to fix intersections.