Define Surface Finish Models

Use the Surface Finish Library tool to create, delete, and import/export surface finish models. A surface finish definition is an ideal grey-surface emissivity model used in the radiation equation.

Create Surface Finishes

Use the Surface Finish Library tool to create new surface finishes.

  1. From the Radiation ribbon, Thermal Radiation tools, click the Surface Finish Library tool.

    Figure 1.
    The Surface finish library opens.

    A surface finish named Black Body is available by default.

  2. Click to add a new surface finish.
  3. Optional: Double-click on the Name field to rename the surface finish.
  4. Double click the Emissivity field and enter an emissivity value.
  5. If multipliers have been defined, double-click the Emissivity Multiplier field and select an option from the drop-down menu.

Delete Surface Finishes

Use the Surface Finish Library tool to delete an existing surface finishes.

  1. From the Radiation ribbon, Thermal Radiation tools, click the Surface Finish Library tool.

    Figure 2.
    The Surface finish library opens.
  2. Select the surface finish to delete.
  3. Click .
    Note: The default surface finish, Black Body, cannot be deleted.

Import and Export Surface Finish Libraries

Use the Surface Finish Library tool to import and export defined libraries of surfaces finishes.

  1. From the Radiation ribbon, Thermal Radiation tools, click the Surface Finish Library tool.

    Figure 3.
    The Surface finish library opens.
  2. Click to export the entire surface finish library.
  3. Click to import a previously defined surface finish library.