Define Parameters

Use the Parameters tool to create, delete, and import/export parameters.

Parameters are a set of variables that can be defined as constant values or as expressions that incorporate existing parameters. Once set up, parameters can be used to define boundary conditions and mesh controls. They can also be used to conduct mesh sensitivity studies with minimal changes.

Create Parameters

Use the Parameters tool to create new parameters.

  1. From the Flow ribbon, click the arrow next to the Setup tool group name, then select Parameters.

    Figure 1.
    The Parameter Manager opens.
  2. Click to create a new parameter.
  3. Double-click the Name field to rename the parameter.
    Note: Do not use special characters or spaces when naming parameters.
  4. Double-click the Expression field and enter a value.
    You can define parameters as a constant value or as an expression of other parameters using operators like +, -, *, /, ^ (for power).

    General math functions like Cos(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), ln(x), etc. are also supported.

    Figure 2.
Once parameters are set up, they can be used to define boundary conditions and mesh controls. Start typing a parameter name to view a list of options.

Figure 3.

Delete Parameters

Use the Parameters tool to delete existing parameters.

  1. From the Flow ribbon, click the arrow next to the Setup tool group name, then select Parameters.

    Figure 4.
    The Parameter Manager opens.
  2. Select a parameter to delete.
  3. Click .
    Note: If the parameter is assigned anywhere, you will not be able to delete it.

Import and Export Parameters

Use the Parameters tool to import and export parameter databases.

  1. From the Flow ribbon, click the arrow next to the Setup tool group name, then select Parameters.

    Figure 5.
    The Parameter Manager opens.
  2. Click to import a parameter database.
  3. Click to export a parameter database.