Define Volume Monitors

Volume monitors for all defined domains are created automatically. However, additional volume monitors can be created using the Volumes tool.

  1. From the Solution ribbon, Monitors tools, click the Volumes tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Select solids.
  3. In the dialog, define the output frequency and/or output time interval at which results are extracted.
  4. From the guide bar, execute the command in the following ways:
    • Click to confirm your selection and remain in the tool.

      This allows you to continue creating instances and helps you visualize and edit instances with the legend.

    • Click to confirm your selection and exit the tool.

Element Output

The options in the Volumes tool specify the output of the average of quantities integrated through the volume. The averaged quantities are output to the disk. By default, AcuSolve writes out this output at the last time step of the simulation.

Integrated output frequency
Specifies time frequency at which to output averaged element quantities. If zero, this option is ignored.
Integrated output time interval
Specifies time step frequency at which to output averaged element quantities. If zero, this option is ignored.