Job Manager

Job Manager is designed to provide a way to interact with analysis jobs created through the NVH Director.

To invoke the Job Manager, click the icon.

Figure 1.

Job Manager Toolbar

Figure 2.
Job Import and Path Check
Job Export
Job Path Check
Delete an existing job record
Re-run a job
Stop a running job
Update the job list
Select all jobs in the table
De-select all jobs
Select those jobs not previously selected
Show the log window
Opens the Filter jobs dialog

Job Table

Provides a list of all the jobs created as part of a project. Columns in the table include:

Figure 3.
Job Names
Name of the analysis defined in the Analysis Manager.
Job Number
Job sequence ID.
Job Submission server
Server to which the job was submitted to.
Solver that was used to perform the analysis.
Job Directory:
This is typically the directory where the input .xml file is located.
Input File Name
NVH Director model .xml file.
Job completion status.
Created Date
The date a job was created or modified.

Job Details

Provides a record of why each job was run, and how the model was set up. There is also an option to add/edit the job description.

Figure 4.

Result Files

Provides easy access to result files generated in each job by the solver.

Figure 5.