Create/Edit Checks and Corrections

Create new checks and corrections, and edit default checks and corrections.

Engineering Solutions supports default checks and corrections in the Model Checker. You can use the Check and Correction entities to create new checks and corrections.

Create Checks

  1. In the Model Checker, right-click on an existing check or one of the check folders (ERROR, WARNING, INFO) and select Create Check from the context menu.
    The Entity Editor opens and displays entity attributes corresponding to the check.

    Figure 1.
  2. For Name, enter a name for the check.
  3. For Config, select a configuration type.
  4. Define attributes.
    Note: The attributes available are dependent on the type of Config selected.
    Common attributes to define include:
    Attribute Description
    Check Entity Type of entity on which the check is applied.
    Folder Directory that contains the definition of the grouping or folder name in which the check is located.
    Level Type of check to perform: ERROR, WARNING, INFO.
    Function Name Core check function to apply for the check. Core check function name can be found in Entity Editor of existing checks.
    Auto Correction Function to perform when automatically performing check correction.
    Manual Correction Function to perform when manually performing check correction.
    Default Correction Default automatic correction associated with the check. By default, the first chosen auto correction is considered the default value if you do not make a selection in this field.
    When Config = TclCheck, define the following attributes:
    Attribute Description
    Tcl File External Tcl script to perform the desired check.
    When Config = GenericCheck, define the following attributes:
    Attribute Description
    Number of references Numbers of references to be defined and exposed in the table entity in which references must be defined.
    Number of filters Number of filters to be defined and exposed in the table entity in which filter rules must be defined.
    Number of Value definition Number of value definition to be defined and exposed in the table entity in which value definition rules must be defined.

Create Corrections

  1. Create a Correction in the following ways:
    • In the Model Checker, right-click and select Create Correction from the context menu.
    • In the Entity Editor of a Check entity, right-click on a Correction attribute and select Create from the context menu.

      Supported Correction attributes include: Manual Correction, Auto Correction, Default Correction.

    If you created a Correction from the Model Checker, a new Correction opens in the Entity Editor, and if you created a Correction from a Correction attribute in the Entity Editor, a new Correction opens in the Create Modelcheckcorrections dialog.

    Figure 2.
  2. For Name, enter a name for the correction.
  3. For Config, select a configuration type.
  4. Define attributes.
    Note: The attributes available are dependent on the type of Config selected.
    When Config = Automatic, define the following attributes:
    Attribute Description
    Tcl File External Tcl script to perform the desired check.
    Function name Core check function to apply for the check. The core check function name can be found in Entity Editor of existing corrections.
    Correct value Value to be set when performing auto correction.
    When Config = Manual, define the following attributes:
    Attribute Description
    Option Tool used to perform a manual correction.