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Altair HyperGraph 2020 Release Notes


New Features

Extreme Curves
The Extreme Curves dialog allows you to filter maximum contributors or minimum contributors based on a design aspect from set of curves.
Curve Correlation
The Curve Correlation dialog returns correlation metrics in the form of notes using correlation algorithms. These functions will be used to calculate correlation metrics between test and CAE data. Sprague-Geers Combined Metric (SGCM) and Weighted Integrated Factor (WIFac) are supported in this release.
Add Stackmath Operation
The Add Stackmath Operation dialog allows you to create a math stack on a curve. After applying a math operation on a curve, the curve is redrawn per the math without creating duplicate curves. The dialog's entity editor displays the math function's parameters, which you can change as necessary. Only a limited number of math functions are supported in this release.
Advanced Build Plots Enhancements
From the Create Curves by File dialog > Multiple Inputs tab, use Ignore strings in requests to ignore strings in requests while plotting multiple files. This functionality is useful when comparing the same results with different prefix ID’s.
Lock Axes
The Lock Axes option replaces the Auto Fit and Fit Range options on the Axes panel and in the Plot Browser. Options for Lock Axes include Never, Always, and At Import.


Shock Response Spectrum (SRS)
The Shock Response Spectrum (SRS), a standard mathematical function that is commonly used in space systems with acceleration time history as the base input, is now included as a standard math function in HyperGraph.
Bubble Help for Order Numbers
Waterfall 3D plot curves display bubble help to identify order numbers in the NVH Order Analysis utility.

Resolved Issues

  • Templex measure expressions in TableView works correctly.
  • Advanced Build Plots panel option is now available in Complex Plots.
  • Unused handles in Tcl command layer after clearing a session.
  • Stress results issue with H3D file while loading file in Build Plots panel.
  • Crash issue when a session is loaded, cleared, and you go switch from HyperGraph to HyperView.
  • Different behavior between Build Plots dialog and Build Plots panel while plotting displacement vs. frequency.
  • Crash issue involving saving a session.
  • Issue with reading T03 file.
  • Plotting Campbell diagram issue.
  • Weighting type is missing for db 20 case on both Windows and Linux.
  • Overlaying reports with curves based on ISO MME files.
  • Ctrl+A operation when selecting an extra row in the Build Plots dialog.
  • Application crash when plotting TRC’s from an H3D file.
  • Issue when Advanced Build Plots dialog and panel are active at the same time.
  • Unit error message while plotting SRS function.
  • Curve Editor API issues.
  • Export CSV through a waterfall plot is crashing HyperGraph.
  • Report template issue while loading version 13.0 reports.
  • Plot Browser performance issue with large data sets.
  • Advanced Build Plots dialog issue.
  • OP2 file indices are used instead of frequencies while plotting.
  • Improved H3D performance while plotting.

Solver Interfaces

PAM-CRASH 2G Interface

Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Supports Total Dynamic Mass Increase (DMAS) result curve from ERFH5 and ERF FEMZIP result files. .erfh5, .erfh5.fz
Supports Airbag outputs with qualifier BAGE from ERFH5 and ERF FEMZIP result files. .erfh5, .erfh5.fz
Resolved Issues
  • Show unique element IDs instead of duplicate IDs for 1D datatypes belonging to the "Other_1D" pool.

LS-DYNA Interface

Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Support for binout file for R11.1 of LS-DYNA binout0000
Fixed an issue with a name and ID mismatch with STBOUT file from LS-DYNA STBOUT

Nastran Interface

Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Support all subcases read from the punch file .pch

Radioss Interface

Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Fixed an issue with the name of acceleration components . T01
Resolved Issues
  • Reading multiple T0x files when the folder path is too long.
  • Reading T01 file on Linux: For some outputs, the Y components were not exposed with the correct name.
  • Shell outputs given by /TH/SHELL/SX_JJ, SY_JJ correctly exposed in Y components.

TestData Interface

Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Support for empty types with test data .hdf