HyperLife User's Guide
  • 1
    • 1D Elements[1]
    • 1st-Order Elements[1]
  • 2
    • 2nd-Order Elements[1]
  • A
    • Abaqus[1]
    • access the context menu derived load steps[1]
    • access the context menu exploded view[1]
    • access the context menu layer filter[1]
    • access the context menu legend[1]
    • access the context menu measure panel[1]
    • access the context menu notes panel[1]
    • access the context menu section cut[1]
    • access the context menu set panel[1]
    • add a measure group measure panel[1]
    • add a note notes panel[1]
    • add a resource result math expression builder[1]
    • add a section cut[1]
    • add a set set panel[1]
    • add block loads[1]
    • add constant amplitude loads[1]
    • add constant loads[1]
    • add eigen value/cms loads[1]
    • adding field names to a note notes panel[1]
    • adding resources result math[1]
    • add input psd loads[1]
    • additional comments contour panel[1]
    • additional post-processing options[1]
    • additional post-processing options - annotate model results[1]
    • additional post-processing options - display/visualization[1]
    • additional post-processing options - results[1]
    • add time data loads[1]
    • add variable scale loads[1]
    • adjust the view[1]
    • advanced averaging nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
    • animate models[1]
    • animation controls[1]
    • append and remove objects from a selection[1]
    • apply an automatic explosion exploded view panel[1]
    • apply cached results[1]
    • apply tensor settings to elements in a model tensor panel[1]
    • assign materials to parts[1]
    • attach a note to an entity notes panel[1]
    • attach a note to a window notes panel[1]
    • attach a note to coordinates notes panel[1]
    • authoring expressions result math[1]
    • available PSD stresses input - random response fatigue analysis[1]
    • available PSD stresses - random response fatigue analysis[1]
    • available PSD stresses setup - random response fatigue analysis[1]
    • averaging options[1]
  • C
    • cache results contour panel[1]
    • change directory[1]
    • change entity view[1]
    • change note attributes notes panel[1]
    • change the color of measure group measure panel[1]
    • change the display of model elements iso panel[1]
    • change the display options contour panel[1]
    • change the display options measure panel[1]
    • change the display options section cut[1]
    • change the display options set panel[1]
    • change the entity type input collector[1]
    • change the font attributes of measure group measure panel[1]
    • change the tensor color by direction tensor panel[1]
    • change the tensor color by value tensor panel[1]
    • change the tensor drawing mode tensor panel[1]
    • change the tensor size tensor panel[1]
    • change the value display tensor panel[1]
    • change the vector color by direction vector panel[1]
    • change the vector color by value vector panel[1]
    • change the vector head vector panel[1]
    • change the vector size vector panel[1]
    • channels, create[1]
    • clear an explosion exploded view panel[1]
    • clear contour contour panel[1]
    • clear iso surfaces iso panel[1]
    • clear search string field[1]
    • clear tensors tensor panel[1]
    • clear vectors vector panel[1]
    • color band generation contour panel[1]
    • color mode settings[1]
    • complex results[1]
    • composites post-processing contour panel[1]
    • computed results[1]
    • configure fatigue analysis using a weld method[1]
    • configure fatigue analysis using the en method[1]
    • configure fatigue analysis using the factor of safety method[1]
    • configure fatigue analysis using the sn method[1]
    • configure the results browser[1]
    • constant value arguments result math[1]
    • context menu[1]
    • contour panel[1]
    • control the display of iso values contour panel[1]
    • coordinate systems[1]
    • counting layers contour panel[1][2]
    • create a contour plot based on elemental results including corner results contour panel[1]
    • create a contour plot based on nodal results contour panel[1]
    • create a derived load case from a load case list derived load steps[1]
    • create a derived load case from a simulation list derived load steps[1]
    • create and manage contour plots contour panel[1]
    • create a user defined coordinate system[1]
    • create a vector plot vector panel[1]
    • create cached results[1]
    • create channels[1]
    • create events[1]
    • create fos materials[1]
    • create iso surfaces for elemental results iso panel[1]
    • create iso surfaces for nodal results iso panel[1]
    • create iso surfaces using contour results iso panel[1]
    • create modal superposition events[1]
    • create new files[1]
    • create new materials[1]
    • create plot style contour panel[1]
    • create plot style tensor panel[1]
    • create plot style vector panel[1]
    • create random (input PSD with FRF) events[1]
    • create random (PSD stresses) events[1]
    • create sine sweep events[1]
    • create time series events[1]
    • create transient response events[1]
    • creating and editing layer filters[1]
    • critical plane approach[1]
    • current support of sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • custom view, edit[1]
    • custom view, recall[1]
    • custom view, store[1]
    • custom view attributes[1]
  • D
    • Dang Van criterion[1]
    • deactivate a note[1]
    • deactivate a section cut[1]
    • default arguments result math[1]
    • define a measure group measure panel[1]
    • define a set set panel[1]
    • define the linear scaling factor derived load steps[1]
    • delete a derived load case derived load steps[1]
    • delete a layer filter[1]
    • delete a measure group measure panel[1]
    • delete an explosion exploded view panel[1]
    • delete a note notes panel[1]
    • delete a section cut[1]
    • delete a user defined coordinate system[1]
    • delete cached results[1]
    • delete channels, events, and subcases[1]
    • delete materials[1]
    • deleting a set sets panel[1]
    • derived load cases[1]
    • difference nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
    • display state of graphical manipulators[1]
    • dock and undock parts of the user interface[1]
  • E
    • edit a user defined coordinate system[1]
    • edit category legend[1]
    • edit custom view[1]
    • edit fkm mean stress correction[1]
    • edit legend[1]
    • edit surface finish and treatment[1]
    • edit temperature factor[1]
    • edit the contour, vector, or tensor panel legend[1][2]
    • E-N approach - fatigue analysis[1]
    • E-N approach - multiaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • enter search string field[1]
    • entities[1]
    • entity editor results browser[1]
    • entity selector[1]
    • entity view, change[1]
    • en tool[1]
    • estimate uts[1]
    • evaluate[1]
    • evaluate the model[1]
    • evaluate tool[1]
    • events, create[1]
    • exclude sets[1]
    • expand and collapse folders[1]
    • explode a model or component exploded view panel[1]
    • exploded view panel[1]
    • explode panel[1]
    • explode tool[1]
    • export a set set panel[1]
    • export damage and rainflow matrix data[1]
    • export files[1]
    • expression builder result math[1]
    • extended entity selection menu input collector[1]
    • extended entity selection options[1]
    • extreme of corner nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
  • F
    • factor of safety - Dang Van Criterion[1]
    • failure evaluation - seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • fatigue analysis[1]
    • fatigue modules[1]
    • fatigue properties - seam weld analysis[1]
    • field names notes panel[1]
    • file formats, supported[1]
    • files, create[1]
    • files, export[1]
    • files, open[1]
    • files, save[1]
    • filter load cases derived load steps[1]
    • filter syntax[1]
    • fit a curve by estimating uts - en properties[1]
    • fit a curve by estimating uts - sn properties[1]
    • fit curve[1]
    • fit view[1]
    • fkm mean stress correction, edit[1]
    • fos tool[1]
  • G
    • generated PSD stresses - random response fatigue analysis[1]
    • graphical editing of the legend and iso-slider[1]
    • graphical manipulator[1]
  • H
    • H3D model export options[1]
    • hide[1]
    • HL-T: 1000 Uniaxial Stress-Life (S-N)[1]
    • HL-T: 1010 Uniaxial Strain-Life (E-N)[1]
    • HL-T: 1020 Multiaxial Stress-Life (S-N)[1]
    • HL-T: 1030 Multiaxial Strain-Life (E-N)[1]
    • HL-T: 1040 Factor of Safety (FOS)[1]
    • HL-T: 1050 Spot Weld (CBAR)[1]
    • HL-T: 1060 Seam Weld (Fillet)[1]
    • HL-T: 1070 Transient Stress-Life (S-N)[1]
    • HL-T: 1080 Random Fatigue Analysis Using PSD Stresses[1]
    • HL-T: 1090 Random Fatigue Analysis Using FRF Stresses and Power Spectral Density of Loading Versus Frequency (Input PSD)[1]
    • HL-T: 1100 Stress Life (S-N) Using Stress History Created from Modal Participation Factors (via a file) and Modal Stress[1]
    • HL-T: 1110 Sine Sweep Fatigue Analysis – Stress-Life[1]
    • home directory[1]
    • hot spot stress - seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
  • I
    • image plane graphical manipulators[1]
    • import and export material databases[1]
    • import a set set panel[1]
    • include/exclude components from a section cut[1]
    • input - sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • isolate[1]
    • iso panel[1]
  • K
    • keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls, selection[1]
    • keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls, show hide isolate[1]
    • keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls exploded view panel[1]
    • keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls section cut panel[1]
    • keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls set panel[1]
    • keyboard shortcuts notes panel[1]
  • L
    • laser edge overlap - seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • layer filter[1]
    • lens - perspective entity editor results browser[1]
    • loadcase tool[1]
    • load map tool[1]
    • local display tools results browser[1]
  • M
    • manage files and data[1]
    • manage the legend display contour panel[1]
    • manage the legend display tensor panel[1]
    • manage the legend display vector panel[1]
    • map loads[1]
    • materials, create[1]
    • materials, delete[1]
    • materials tool[1]
    • maximum averaging nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
    • max of corner nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
    • measure group entity editor attributes[1]
    • measure panel[1]
    • measure tool[1]
    • mesh display settings[1]
    • message dialog[1]
    • mid-side node elemental results in contour contour panel[1]
    • minimum averaging nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
    • min of corner nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
    • model info browser context menu[1]
    • modeling window[1]
    • multiaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • multi-state icons[1]
  • N
    • nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
    • note entity editor attributes[1]
    • notes panel[1]
  • O
    • open files[1]
    • other factors affecting fatigue[1]
    • other methods for fitting a curve[1]
    • other methods for fitting a curve - en properties[1]
    • other methods for fitting a curve - sn properties[1]
    • output files[1]
    • overlap - seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • overlay result display contour panel[1]
    • overlay result display tensor panel[1]
    • overlay result display vector panel[1]
    • overview[1]
  • P
    • pan view[1]
    • perform extended entity selection[1]
    • post-processing Abaqus stress results[1]
    • post-processing stress results using the contour panel[1]
    • post-process stress results solver independent contour panel[1]
    • preferences[1]
    • projection rule[1]
    • project vectors on a cross section plane vector panel[1]
  • Q
    • query[1]
    • query results contour panel[1]
    • query results tensor panel[1]
    • query results vector panel[1]
  • R
    • random response fatigue analysis[1]
    • recall custom view[1]
    • remove load cases or simulations from a derived load case derived load steps[1]
    • rename a derived load case derived load steps[1]
    • rename a note[1]
    • reset the input collector[1]
    • result math operators[1]
    • result math output parameters[1]
    • results browser[1]
    • results browser, entity view[1]
    • results browser configuration options[1]
    • results browser filter[1]
    • results explorer[1]
    • ribbon[1]
    • rotate, pan, zoom, fit, center[1]
    • rotate view[1]
    • run analysis tool[1]
  • S
    • sample derived loadsteps configuration file[1]
    • satellite icons[1]
    • save files[1]
    • save screen captures[1]
    • screen captures, save[1]
    • seam weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • seam weld fatigue analysis implementation[1]
    • seam weld fatigue analysis input/output[1]
    • section cut entity editor attributes[1]
    • section cut graphical manipulators[1]
    • section cut panel[1]
    • section cuts planar entity editor results browser[1]
    • section cuts spherical entity editor results browser[1]
    • select a projection rule contour panel[1]
    • select a projection rule iso panel[1]
    • select a projection rule tensor panel[1]
    • select entities using the input collector[1]
    • selection[1]
    • selection keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls[1]
    • select multiple objects simultaneously[1]
    • select single objects[1]
    • set an active layer filter[1]
    • set entity editor attributes[1]
    • set panel[1]
    • sets tool[1]
    • settings, color mode[1]
    • settings, mesh display[1]
    • setup[1]
    • show[1]
    • show, hide, and isolate using context menus[1]
    • show, hide, and isolate using the show/hide tool[1]
    • show and hide isolate using browser icons[1]
    • show and hide using browser icons[1]
    • show hide isolate keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls[1]
    • simple averaging nodal averaging of elemental results[1]
    • sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • sine sweep fatigue analysis input[1]
    • S-N approach[1]
    • S-N approach - multiaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • sn tool[1]
    • sort entities[1]
    • spot weld fatigue analysis[1]
    • spotweld fatigue analysis - implementation[1]
    • spot weld fatigue - input/output[1]
    • status bar[1]
    • store and recall custom views[1]
    • store custom view[1]
    • strain-life approach[1]
    • strain-life approach - fatigue analysis[1]
    • strain-life approach - mean stress correction[1]
    • strain-life sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • streamlines graphical manipulators[1]
    • stress-life approach[1][2]
    • stress-life sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • supported weld types[1]
    • surface finish and treatment, edit[1]
    • systems[1]
  • T
    • table selection expression builder result math[1]
    • tcl console[1]
    • temperature factor, edit[1]
    • tensor panel[1]
    • Tensor Results[1]
    • time series load history overview[1]
    • tool icons[1]
    • tool icons layout[1]
    • tracking panel[1]
    • tutorial model files, access[1]
    • tutorials[1]
    • tutorials - modal superposition fatigue analysis[1]
    • tutorials - multiaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • tutorials - random response fatigue analysis[1]
    • tutorials - sine sweep fatigue analysis[1]
    • tutorials - transient fatigue analysis[1]
    • tutorials - uniaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • tutorials - weld fatigue analysis[1]
  • U
    • uniaxial fatigue analysis[1]
    • update result files derived load steps[1]
    • use add as filter to define search parameters[1]
    • user defined coordinate system, create[1]
    • user defined coordinate systems[1]
    • user interface[1]
    • use the extended entity selection menu input collector[1]
  • V
    • value filter contour panel[1]
    • variation percentage control[1]
    • vector panel[1]
    • view, fit[1]
    • view, pan[1]
    • view, rotate[1]
    • view, zoom[1]
    • view controls[1]
    • view run history[1]
    • view run status[1]
    • views - orthographic entity editor results browser[1]
    • views - perspective entity editor results browser[1]
    • view subcase animations[1]
    • view the contour animation of a complex response complex results[1]
    • view the contour of a complex response at a certain angle complex results[1]
    • visualize results[1]
    • visualize the boundaries of a clipped part section cut[1]
  • W
    • weld tool[1]
    • window selection settings[1]
  • Z