Evaluate the Model

Use the Run Analysis tool to set up and launch the evaluation.

  1. From the Run tools, click the Run Analysis tool.

    Figure 1.
    The Evaluate dialog opens.

    Figure 2.
  2. Optional: Change the name of the run.
  3. For SN uniaxial runs, you can calculate the safety factor for a specified amount of target cycles.
    1. Change the Safety Factor drop-down to Yes.
    2. Select a criteria constant.
    3. Enter a value for the target cycles.

    Figure 3.
  4. Review the selected part(s) and load cases.
  5. Optional: For a faster solution time, change the number of processors used for the run (based on availability).
  6. Click Run.
    The Run Status dialog opens.

    Figure 4.
    Note: If you do not assign any time history to an event, you are prompted about the missing channel when you click Run.
The following result files are saved to C:\Documents\Fatigue\RunHistory by default, or the home directory defined in the preferences:
Table 1.
File Type Description
*.hlf HyperLife Session File

Details related to the fatigue setup are stored in this file. It's automatically written to the working directory upon completion of a fatigue evaluation.

  • Type of fatigue analysis, material assignment, events created, and the calculated fatigue results are stored in this file.
  • Session file can be reloaded to:
    • Retrieve the setup
    • Rerun the retrieved setup
    • Review the calculated results
*.hwascii HyperLife result output
  • Hwascii lists the fatigue results of each element
  • Results from hwascii can also be reviewed in HyperView by loading the input result file used for the fatigue calculation (h3d, op2 , etc.) as the model file and the hwascii file as the result file.
*.h5 Rainflow/Damage matrix results
  • The rainflow/damage matrix result for each element are stored in an *.h5 file.
    Note: If the display of rainflow data is turned off in the Preferences dialog, this file will not be created.
  • A rainflow/damage matrix will not be displayed in HyperLife if this file is disabled in the Preferences dialog.
3DMatrixInfo_Ele<ID>.rfout HyperLife ASCII format results file for rainflow information of the queried element.

This file is created in the working directory after clicking the export icon () above the rainflow/damage matrix in the Results Explorer. Tabulated data written to the file can vary based on the fatigue solution evaluated.

For more information, see Export Damage and Rainflow Matrix Data