Create Events
Combine channels and subcases to create events.
Create Time Series Events

Figure 5.
- Results stress tensor at time t
- Stress tensor from static analysis
- The y point value of load-time history at time t
Create Transient Response Events

Figure 7.
Create Modal Superposition Events
Modal subcases are supported for SN (uniaxial, multiaxial) and EN (uniaxial, multiaxial) fatigue calculations with a Modal Superposition loading type.

Figure 9.
- Stress history for the given time interval of an element
- Participation factor per mode at time t (via mrf/pch file)
- Modal stress of an element per mode (via h3d file)
- Mode
Create Random (PSD Stresses) Events
Random Response subcases are supported for SN (uniaxial) and EN (uniaxial) fatigue calculations with a Random (PSD Stresses) loading type.

Figure 11.
Create Random (Input PSD with FRF) Events
Frequency Response Analysis subcases are supported for SN (uniaxial) and EN (uniaxial) fatigue calculations with a Random (Input PSD with FRF) loading type.
- If Mean Stress correction is to be applied, a static subcase, if present in the result file, will be listed in the Subcase window and can be drag and dropped onto the event (no channel is required to be paired).
- Any events that you create are specific to the channel type. If you switch the channel type, the events window is cleared/updated.
Create Sine Sweep Events
Frequency Response Function subcases are supported for SN (uniaxial) and EN (uniaxial) fatigue calculations with a Sine Sweep loading type.