Load Maps

Use the Load Map tool to import/create multiple channels (load histories) which are then paired with subcases/loadsteps to create the fatigue events.

Figure 1.

The Load Map dialog consists of three parts. The top-left part is used to create, import, and manage the channels (load histories); the top-right part displays the available subcases; and the bottom part is used to create events.

The information displayed in this dialog is dynamic. The available options change depending on the load type and the channel type.

The following table summarizes the channel types that are available based of the type of loading assigned in the fatigue tools.
Type of Loading Channel Type
Time Series Time Data

Constant Amplitude

Block Loading

Transient Response Transient Response
Modal Superposition Eigen Value (*.pch)

CMS (*.mrf)

Random (PSD Stresses) PSD Stress
Random (Input PSD with FRF) Input PSD: Phase and Magnitude

Input PSD: Real and Imaginary

Sine Sweep Constant Load

Variable Scale

Note: Derived loadcases (by linear superposition) can now be created and saved in HyperLife session files.