Create an H3D File from HyperMesh

Export Geometry

  1. From File menu, select Export… or click on the Export icon from the toolbar.
  2. Select Export type: H3D.
  3. Select File type: Geometry and click Apply.
  4. The geometry model is exported using STL mesh for viewing in HyperView or HyperView Player.

Export FEA model

  1. From File menu, select Export… or click on the Export icon from the toolbar.
  2. Select Export type: H3D.
  3. Select File type: FEA and click Apply.
  4. The FEA model is exported for viewing in HyperView or HyperView Player.

Export FEA model with Results

  1. Import a model and load the respective result file.
  2. Select one of the following panels from the Post pull down menu: contour, deformed, hidden line, or transient.
  3. Once the result is applied, you can then export the current view by clicking Hyper3D (if the launch HV after H3D creation option is checked under Preference > Graphics option > mesh).
    Once the result is applied, H3D > HV will be available for you to create an H3D file and load the file immediately into HyperView for viewing.
    Two files are created:
    • One is an H3D file, using anim#.h3d as the file name (the # is a sequential number that is automatically assigned to the H3D file).
    • The other is a sample HTML file including <OBJECT> and <EMBED> statements for the corresponding H3D file.
  4. To review the model:
    Double click the HTML file to launch a browser and view the model in a web browser.


    Click H3D to activate the standalone HyperView Player application.

    You can customize the external HTML template, h3d_template.html, located in the altair/hm/html directory, to suit your needs.