Remesh Tetra Mesh

Use the Tetra: Remesh tool to regenerate the mesh for a single volume of tetrahedral elements.

  1. From the Mesh ribbon, 3D Mesh tools, click Tetra > Remesh.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define tetra mesh options.
  3. Select elements.
  4. Optional: Activate the Baffles selector on the guide bar and select baffle shells.
  5. Optional: Activate the Anchors selector on the guide bar and select anchor nodes.
  6. Click Mesh.

Figure 2.

Tetra: Remesh Tool

An overview of the Tetra: Remesh tool.

Figure 3.

Use the Tetra: Remesh tool to regenerate the mesh for a single volume of tetrahedral elements.

Go to Mesh > Tetra > Remesh.


Element size definition
The mesh size definition used to create the tetra mesh.
Average size
The average element size used to create the tetra mesh.
Maximum size
The maximum element size used to create the tetra mesh.
Quality control criteria
The quality control criteria to be used while creating the tetra mesh.
Tetra collapse >
Optimize the tetra elements to have tetra collapse greater than this value.
Cell squish <
Optimize the tetra elements to have cell squish less than this value.
Volume skew <
Optimize the tetra elements to have volume skew less than this value.
Fix mid-nodes for a second order mesh
Fixes the mid-node positions for a second order tetra mesh.
Surface mesh treatment
The surface mesh treatment method to be used while remeshing.
Mesh destination
The component in which the tetra mesh is to be organized.
Restrict minimum size
Restricts the minimum size of the tetra mesh
Minimum size
The minimum size of the tetra mesh.