Delete Shapes
Delete selected shapes.
View new features for HyperWorks 2020.
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Discover HyperWorks functionality with interactive tutorials.
Learn how to create, open, import and save models.
Solver interfaces supported in HyperWorks.
A solver interface is made up of a template and a FE-input reader.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
Create, organize, and manage the CAE parts.
Create, edit, and cleanup geometry.
Learn about the different types of mesh you can create in HyperWorks.
Edit the Parameter and Criteria files and define mesh controls using the Mesh Controls Browser.
1D mesh that allows accurate testing of connectors, such as bolts, and similar rod-like or bar-like objects that can be modeled as a simple line for FEA purposes.
A surface mesh or "shell mesh" represents model parts that are relatively two-dimensional, such as sheet metal or a hollow plastic cowl or case.
Volume mesh or "solid meshing" uses three-dimensional elements to represent fully 3D objects, such as solid parts or sheets of material that have enough thickness and surface variety that solid meshing makes more sense than 2D shell meshing.
Rapidly change the shape of the FE mesh without severely sacrificing the mesh quality and create, edit, and apply shapes for subsequent design optimization studies.
Use the Free Morph tool to morph mesh by moving nodes, faces, and edges or by mapping to geometry.
Shapes are collections of perturbations from the initial configuration of the FE mesh before the morph.
Create and apply morphing shapes.
Delete selected shapes.
Record node movements using other HyperWorks tools and save them as a shape.
Apply a scale factor to change to the magnitude of the morphed shape.
Convert a shape to node perturbations, handle perturbations, an mvol shape, forces, temperatures, pressures, or displacements.
Import saved shapes from a file.
Export selected shapes.
Animate selected shapes.
An overview of the Shapes tool.
Domain entities divide the model into different domains during morphing.
Handle entities control the shape of domains during morphing.
Morph constraint entities restrict the movements of nodes or force compliance with dimensional requirements during morphing.
Morph volume entities are highly deformable six-sided prisms which surround a portion of the FE mesh, and can be used to manipulate a mesh by manipulating the shape of the morph volume.
Symmetry entities define planes of symmetry within a model so that morphs can be applied in a symmetric fashion.
Create and edit 0D/1D entities and edit 2D elements.
Tools used for crash and safety analysis.
Multi-disciplinary design exploration and optimization tools.
Many essential utility tools using HyperWorks-Tcl have been developed over the years to support Aerospace customers. A few tools have been collected and upgraded to be compatible with this release.
Panels contains pre-processing and post-processing tools.
Learn about the different types of mesh you can create in HyperWorks.
Rapidly change the shape of the FE mesh without severely sacrificing the mesh quality and create, edit, and apply shapes for subsequent design optimization studies.
Shapes are collections of perturbations from the initial configuration of the FE mesh before the morph.
Delete selected shapes.
Delete selected shapes.
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