  • A
    • add a marker[1]
    • add a marker to a video window[1]
    • add a note[1]
    • add headers and footers[1]
    • add or delete a static measure[1]
    • align note text[1]
    • Altair[1]
    • attach notes[1]
  • B
    • browser filters[1]
  • C
    • cancel image flipping[1]
    • change the background color[1]
    • change the name of a note[1]
    • change the number of flips and duration[1]
    • change the tolerance value[1]
    • cler a marker from single or multiple windows[1]
    • copy and paste a note[1]
    • correct a marker tracing line[1]
    • create a coordinate system[1]
    • create a curve from a measure[1]
    • create a new filmstrip page[1]
    • create curves[1]
  • D
    • delete a note[1]
    • display control[1]
    • display tracing lines[1]
    • display window time scales[1]
  • E
    • edit marker attributes[1]
    • edit note border attributes[1]
    • edit note text attributes[1]
    • external video decoder[1]
  • F
    • file reference -amf header[1]
    • filmstrip[1]
    • fit the image in the current window[1]
    • flip images simultaneously[1]
  • H
    • header and footer view[1]
    • headers and footers[1]
  • I
    • image chunks[1]
    • index section[1]
  • M
  • N
  • O
    • obtain a list of installed codes[1]
    • open a static image or movie file[1]
    • options[1]
    • overlay[1]
    • overlay a file[1]
  • P
    • page properties[1]
    • playing videos[1]
    • position the marker[1]
  • R
    • recenter an image[1]
    • reduce part of an image using unzoom[1]
    • render an "edges only" view of the image[1]
    • reposition a note[1]
    • reposition a video image using pick center[1]
  • S
    • supported file types[1]
  • T
    • tab area[1]
    • toggle between overlaid images[1]
    • translate a video image[1]
    • turn on and off a note[1]
  • U
    • user interface[1]
    • use the external video decoder[1]
    • use the marker tracing panel[1]
    • use the native image size[1]